Chapter Thirty Three

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"Think of your arm as an extension of your shoulder."

"I thought that was what it was already supposed to be."

"You know what I mean."

"I'm not sure I do."

"Just hit the punching bag, Trevor."

The punching bag in Trevor's room isn't nearly as good as the one at the gym. But ultimately neither of us wanted to go out, still feeling tired from the hectic night we had last night. So I woke up early, before Angie could, and arched down the hall to shake Trevor awake. He'd been half naked and half scared out of his mind when I'd burst into his room and ripped his blanket off. I'm sure he wasn't anticipating anyone waking him up so early in the morning. 

It was just about 4:30 a.m.

I hadn't been able to sleep for the majority of the night, my thoughts invaded far too often by Carlos and his threats. I couldn't even close my eyes without being forced to stare into his. So after rolling around in bed for so long, I decided to go wake him. Using my 'the early bird catches the worm' excuse for his company. He refused at first but finally relented when I reminded him that I was only trying to help him in the long run. 

Now, it's almost 8:30 and I'm running out of ideas to entertain the both of us. He seems like he's almost on his last leg already, tired from all of the different exercises I had him do this morning. After awhile I actually ran out of exercises and had to Google some more. 

"Are you sure you do this every morning?" Trevor scrutinizes me as he continues his dance around the punching bag. "You get up this early to practice?"

"Every single morning," I lie.

"Even on school days."

"Especially on school days."

"Well can we stop and go eat breakfast now?" Trevor drops his hands to his sides and whines childishly. "I'm not usually up this early and I'm starving."

"Okay," I stand up from my spot on the floor. He looks surprised that I agreed so quickly. "What'd you have to eat?"

"I told you last night that all we have is plastic and cardboard," Trevor grabs a sweatshirt off of the floor and pulls it over his head. "But if you're up for it then I can make you my Kingston special."

"Kingston special?" I repeat the phrase slowly as I watch a smirk begin to spread across Trevor's face. "I think I'll just go grab something to eat from McDonald's-"

"No I insist," Trevor strides past me an opens the door. "I can make some for Angie too if you want me to."

"Why would I want her to get food poisoning too?"

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