Chapter Seventeen

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I'm awaken from my sleep when I hear a loud crash noise. I shoot up into a sitting position and look around the room, wondering where the noise came from. Something must've fallen downstairs or something because everything in my room looks to be in tact. I lean back on my hands and frown when I see that my door is half way open. 

I look over to my right side, where Angie is supposed to be sleeping. It's a Saturday so I don't have to do anything aside from training with Trevor in a few hours. When I look down to make sure that Angie is alright though my heartbeat quickens when I realize that she isn't there. I quickly climb out of the bed and rush downstairs. I should've figured that she was gone as soon as I saw that the door was open. 

I run into the living room and the scene in front of me is completely heartbreaking and infuriating. Angie is cornered against the wall with Carlos leaning in front of her, his hands latched tightly to her arms. Angie is crying, tears spilling down her face as she tries to pull away from him. The TV, the source of the crash, is knocked over on the ground. I can only assume that Carlos knocked it over earlier.

The worst part about all of this is that my Mom is standing by the front door. Just watching her boyfriend manhandle Angie while she cries. Mom is standing there and watching with a very emotionless gaze. She doesn't look bothered in the slightest by what's happening, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't care at all about what was happening.

"You're hurting me," I hear Angie whine and that's when I jump into action. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" I scream as I run up and tear Carlos off of him. I pull him off and shove him to the ground, quickly kneeling in front of Angie to check if she's okay. But I barely get a chance to look at her before I'm being pushed up against the wall. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Carlos hisses in my face as he pins me by my shoulders. His eyes are blood shot red and he looks furious as he holds me in place. "You live in my house so you respect me. Don't ever think about shoving me again."

I study him as he steps back from me with a menacing look on his face. I frown when he doesn't hit me, usually he at least attempts to attack me. Usually he doesn't just give in like that. He looks over at Angie who's now curled up in a ball. 

"Don't disturb me next time I'm sleeping you little brat," he says wiping a bead of sweat off of his forehead. He looks back at me and narrows his eyes a little bit before a devious smile crosses his face. "She acts just like you ya know. It sure would be a shame if something were to happen to her."

He backs up and calmly walks over to the couch, laying down and staring down at the broken TV. I take that as my moment to grab Angie and get out of the room. I rush over and lean down next to her, she immediately latches on to my neck and I lift her off of the floor. 

I'm glad that Carlos didn't try to hit me this time, one thing that I want to keep Angie away from is fighting of any kind. It does worry me a bit that he didn't try to hit me though, these things usually end with him or me walking away with a black eye. It's worrying how calmly he walked away from this conversation, as if it didn't bother him even though I know it does. I just pushed him around in front of his girlfriend and Angie. I know that he's going to hold this against me. And I know that he's got something up his sleeve. Things like this never end well when it comes to Carlos. 

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