Chapter Fifty

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A/N: One of my favorite songs right now, off to the side there---}} tell me whatcha think. Kind of makes me think of Trevor and Violet. 


"What am I going to do?"

"Violet, you need to sit down."

"I need to figure out what I'm going to do with Trevor, get Carlos this money so that he stays away from Angie and I-"

"Sit down."

"-On top of all of that, I need to find Myrah today and finish piecing together this entire mess. I mean this is just ridiculous."

"You are going to drive me insane," Miles jumps up from his seat on the couch and grabs my shoulder, forcing me to sit down myself. "I get it, this is a shit situation. Please shut up so that I can finish processing this myself."

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore."

"Well walking back and forth in my living room definitely isn't the answer."

It's been two days since the whole altercation that Trevor and I had and I still haven't really dealt with the situation. I need to decide soon whether or not I'm going to continue helping Trevor fight even after finding out about the information that he'd kept from me. I also need to figure out if I trust everything that Myrah has told me and decide what I need to do if my father is truly alive. 

Miles and I have spent the last couple of days talking about it and looking at the pros and cons of continuing to help Trevor. Myrah is supposed to be stopping by in a few for the two of us to have a talk as well. It's strange for me to think that she's not actually my mother, but makes much more sense to me now that I think about it. 

I bear absolutely no resemblance to Myrah or Angie in any way, shape, or form. We've never acted the same or even seemed to have the same mindset about things. That doesn't change how I feel about Angie, she's still going to be my little sister. But now I'm even more worried about breaking the news to her someday, because I'll know that she'll have questions about it. If I weren't to tell her eventually then I'll feel like I've only been lying to her this entire time just like everybody else. 

"You kids are still in here talking?" Miles and I both look up to see Mike standing in the doorway scrutinizing us. "At least go out and eat something. I get that life is tough and everything, but that's no reason to starve yourself."

"Why don't you cook something for us to eat then, Dad?" Miles says in response. 

"Do I look like I know how to cook?"

"Then stop bothering us."

"Look Violet," Mike walks over and takes a seat in one of the recliners. "You already know how I feel about this situation. Forget about that kid. Take Angie and get out of town, start a new life someplace else."

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