Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/N: Camila Cabello's album just came out and she's one of my favorite artists of all time. She's already breaking records with her debut album, it's definitely worth the listen. My favorite song off the album is 'In The Dark'---}}} 


I sit on the floor up against the wall as I watch Trevor running back and forth around the gym. He's not wearing a shirt again so I can see that every part of him from his waist up is completely pink. He's working his body too hard, making the blood rush around too quickly. But I don't tell him to slow down. He's clearly got some things that he needs to clear out of his head, no one exercises as hard as he is without good reason. He's trying to burn away some bad thoughts. I would know what that feels like. 

Everyday I feel like my feelings toward Trevor continuously get more jumbled up. Usually I'm bothered by him. Wanting nothing more than to be nowhere near here. But today...

Not so much. 

I don't know whether or not it should bother me that I seem to be getting more comfortable around the boy. Or if I should worry about the fact that I'm a little bit upset by his actions around me today. His moodiness and snappy remarks definitely haven't been all that appealing. It's led my mind down a trail of what exactly he could be so upset about. I know that him and I had a little dispute the other day at school, but our arguments had never bothered him before. Surely he can't still be mad about that now, right?

You probably said something to piss him off.

Miles' words pop into my head for a split second. Could he have been right? Could Trevor's behavior be because of our argument? But that can't be, what I said wasn't even that offensive. It was just a few words. 

You can be pretty harsh sometimes.

I sigh as I realize that Miles may have very well be right. Sometimes I say things that I wouldn't necessarily find offensive thinking that other people won't take it badly. I've built such a tough exterior that the last thing I've ever worried about is a few tough words. What someone says or thinks of me is the last thing that I'm worried about. 

"Trevor!" I shout across the gym at him to get his attention. He begins letting up, slowly jogging over to me before coming to a stop. He's breathing heavily, hands on his hips as he looks down at me expectantly. I look up at him for a moment, not exactly sure why I called him over here. But after forcing him to just stand there for what seems like forever, I make up my mind. "C'mon we're gonna do something different."

"What?" He frowns at me as I stand up and move around him, walking towards the middle of the gym. "But I'm not finished running yet."

"And that's my problem...?"

"I kind of wanted to finish running."

"Well I kind of told you to stop," I roll my eyes at him as I kick off my shoes and step on to one of the mats. I turn around and look at him as he stands behind me with a bored look on his face. "Now come over here, you've done enough running for the day anyways."

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