Chapter Forty Three

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I begin to worry a little bit as the time passes and Trevor doesn't show any sign of return. Eventually people begin gravitating over towards the our ring, clearly ready to get their scheduled dose of fighting in for the day. I scan around the room, looking for some sign of Trevor but coming up short. I notice as the referee that I had been talking to earlier makes his way into the center of the ring and looks over at A-Train's side before looking at me. He notices Trevor's empty chair and makes his way over towards me with a smug look on his face.

"Did your boy decide to duck out after all?" He asks curiously as I roll my eyes at his persistence. "He seems like the kind who would."

"Don't you have a job to be doing?"

"I would," he shrugs. "But I kind of need both of my fighters here in order to actually do that job. Ya know, cause it takes two to tangle."

"He's coming," I say looking around the crowded room again. "He just had to run to the bathroom."

"Ah, I see," he nods. "I should delay this all because he needed to take a potty break."

"Is there any specific reason that you're still over here?" I sigh loudly. "Besides to stress me out even more?"

"I just wanted to know whether or not I should call this a disqualification or not," he says. "Since you're actually supposed to be on time for these things."

"I told you," I shake my head at him. "He's coming."

"But are you sure-"

"Don't you have a job to be doing?" A deep voice suddenly asks.

The referee turns around just as I peek around him to see Trevor standing behind him with his arms crossed over his chest. I smile when I see the boy, glad to see that he finally decided to make an appearance. Trevor steps around the referee and comes to stand by my side with a challenging look on his face as he sizes up the referee as though he can already smell that he's trouble. They stand at about the same height, yet somehow Trevor still manages to tower over him with ease.

"I guess I do now," the referee smiles at Trevor before reaching forward and bumping him on the shoulder. "Thanks for finally deciding to show up champ. Next time you decide to be late hopefully you get someone just as nice as me, cause I know a lot of people who would've disqualified you just for looking at them wrong. We aren't on your clock, you're on ours. Think about that next time, yeah?"

Trevor doesn't say anything as the referee turns away and makes his way over to A-Train, getting a word in with him before doing anything else. I look over at Trevor with raised eyebrows as he looks back at me like a deer in headlights, finally dropping the tough facade.

"What the hell took you so long?" I ask smacking him on the side of the head lightly. "I told you before that they take this seriously here. You can't be late for this stuff just because you have to go potty."

"Well I'm sorry, I guess I'll just tell Mr. Bladder no next time-"

Before Trevor can finish whatever ridiculous sentence he was going to spit out, he's being cut off by the referee as he yells out that the fight is about to start. I pull Trevor off to the side, listening closely as the referee spits off details about the two of them. I listen more specifically to what he's saying about A-Train, memorizing how much he weighs, where he's from, etc. One of the easiest ways to size up an enemy that you haven't met before is specifically to treat them like someone you've never met before. Learn everything about them as quickly as you can, and use that to your advantage in the long run.

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