1. The Past

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"Dad, ice cream, ice cream." A five year old said to her dad. Her eyes full of happiness. The middle aged man, her father, asked, "Which one honey?" The little five year old put on her thinking face, "Ribbon!" She yelled as she pointed to her favorite flavor. She meant to say 'Gold Medal Ribbon,' but what little kid doesn't make mistakes? The middle aged man and her daughter walked down the street, headed to an old railroad. "Isn't it beautiful, Cat?" The man asked her daughter. "Mhm!" The five year old nodded as she continued to lick her ice cream. That was until everything started to change. The little girl's parents started to argue. It started from once a week to every single day, this continued for five years. The couple grew unhappy, but the little girl was full of spark. At first, she didn't know what was going on until her 12th birthday. Her father didn't wake her up with her special 'birthday breakfast.' She checked downstairs, her father was standing by the door with suitcases on his side. "Dad? What's going?" The man frowned. The women felt guilt for doing this to her daughter, but she thought it was for the best. "I'm going on a trip, sweetheart." The man kneeled down, being the exact height as the little girl. "You'll be back, right?" The man looked up at his ex-wife. "Yes, I'll be back." The man hugged her daughter one last time. Hugged her as tight as he could. The couple divorced, the women took full custody of the child. The man couldn't be able to see his daughter who he loved so much. She was his life. The man got up and left, without looking back. The little girl waited for her dad to come back. She waited for weeks, nothing. Eventually, the mother told her daughter about the divorce and custody. The girl was furious, but the women didn't care about her feelings. When the girl was 14, her mom got married again with a guy named Steve. He had a son named, Nick. The family left Catherine out, she grew up feeling lonely. She was alone. She wanted her dad back, but she didn't know where he was. The girl was no longer filled with spark. She became depressed. The women noticed the sudden change in her daughter, but she didn't talk to her. The girl became what you call a 'rebel,' a 'savage.' She stopped caring about what people think, she lives her life the fullest, but there isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't think about her dad. Her dad was her happiness.
But that was just the past.

Gold Medal Ribbon(Mike&Vic Fuentes) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now