9. Talent

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~M I K E~
The bell rang, signaling us that school is over. I had to meet up with Catherine by her car, I was so nervous, what if she thinks I'm boring? She smiled as she saw me, that beautiful smile of hers.
"Hey Cat." I said as she frowned. I sighed, "You know you can tell me to stop calling you Cat." I mumbled. She smiled. "Not its fine, Mike." We got in her car, "You can connect your phone." She said as she handed me the aux. What if she doesn't like my toe of music? I sighed. I put my phone on shuffle, 'Naive' by The Kooks came on. Catherine lit up a joint, "You like the Kooks!?" She smiled from ear to ear. I rubbed the back of my neck, "Yeah."
"Holy shit, I like them too." She turned it up and I felt relieved. She pass the joint to me, I took it from her. I inhaled, I love weed.
"I like your house, it's nice." Catherine complimented. "Thanks, wanna go to my room?" "Sure." We headed upstairs, voices were came from Vic's room, I opened it. Vic, Jaime, and Tony were in there. Tony smiled, "Hey Catherine." Catherine smiled, "Hey Tony." Vic looked up from the tv, "Catherine! Mike! Sit down, I have a song to show you guys." Catherine looked at me and chuckled. We sat down on the floor. Vic took out his acoustic guitar, "This song is called 'Hold On Till May.'" He started playing the intro,
'She sits up high, surrounded by the sun. One millions branches and she loves everyone...'
I saw Catherine's eyes get teary, she focused only on Vic's voice. What's going on inside your head?

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