45. This is the end

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It's been a week since Catherine died. Since Catherine's funeral. They did a ceremony for her, where you can see her in an open casket and you can say your last goodbyes. I didn't go, I couldn't bare to see her in a casket, knowing that she isn't going to wake up. Then it was her actual funeral, where they buried her. I did go, but I watched from a distance. I didn't want to go up and say our memories we spent together, those stay within me. A knock from downstairs interrupted my thoughts. I groaned. I checked from my window, it was Nick, Catherine's step brother. I slowly rose from my bed and headed downstairs. I opened the door, Nick was holding a box, it was a pretty big box. "H-Hey Mike. Umm we're cleaning out Catherine's room. Well I am, my mom is too sad to go in her room. Anyways, I found this box with your name on it and I decided to bring it to you. So here you go." He handed me the box and I took it. "Thanks Nick, for stopping by." Nick half-smiled, "Yeah no problem." I shut the door and headed back up to my room. I examined the box. It was pretty heavy and Mike was written at the top in big letters. I slowly opened it, there was a letter, I unfolded it.
Hey Mike, by the time you'll be reading this, I'll be gone. And by gone, I mean dead. Anyways, remember when we went to Arizona? I smiled at that memory. Well that was the time where I realized that I wanted to travel the whole world with you, but things didn't go as planned. But don't blame yourself. Also, don't blame yourself for my death. Nothing was your fault, I did this to myself. Anyways, my dad use to send me money ever since he left and I collected it. I never wasted it. I wanted to use that money for I can travel the world, but since I can't do that anymore, I want you to travel the world for me, Mike. There's $20,000 in that box, that should be enough, and my camera. I want you to capture every moment. Anyways this is the end, I love you Mike. I always did. Don't forget about me.
Love and Kisses, Catherine.
Tears of joy slowly fell from my cheek to the letter. I folded the letter and grabbed the box. Her camera was placed in the box as well as the money. I smiled. I'll travel the world for you, I promise. I closed the box and put it on top of my closet. Vic barged in my room. "Hey Mike, I came up with a new song, but I can't come up with a title for it, wanna help me?" I nodded. "Sure, let me hear the song." Vic smiled. "Cool." He sat down on the chair next to my bed and I sat down on my bed. He position his guitar on his lap and cleared his throat,
Are you up there? Just give me a signal, I'm reaching you now. Cause I remember the sound of your voice, but I don't remember what we talked about. It doesn't matter that's a waste of time. So take off your rings and lipstick for me. I swear that I can hear you in the wind, you're singing to me...

I'm always listening. I'm always listening. I swear, I swear, I swear, oh... Vic finished playing the last notes of the song. Vic cleared his throat again, "So? Any ideas."
I smiled, "Gold Medal Ribbon."

A/N: The end!! What did you guys think about this story? Did you guys like? Anyways, Gold Medal Ribbon is one of my favorite songs in the Misadventures album, what is your favorite song from the album? Hope you guys enjoyed this story and I'll continue writing more! ✌🏻💞

Gold Medal Ribbon(Mike&Vic Fuentes) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now