44. My only friend, the end.

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"Hey Mike- Woah! Are you okay?" Vic asked as I walked to my room. "Yeah. I'm fine." I whispered. "Mike. I know when you're not okay, talk to me." Tears spilled down my cheeks. "It's C-Catherine. Vic, she cuts herself." "What!? How do you know!?"
"I went to her house yesterday and she was drunk. We talked, but she fell asleep in my arms and when I picked her up, a razor fell out of her hoodie. So I checked her wrists." I cried even harder. "Her wrists are scarred. She has old and new scars." I hugged Vic. "My heart broke. I don't like seeing her like this. She's so skinny, she drinks to make herself feel happy, and she cuts herself! I should've been with her instead of Rylie!" I yelled, feeling angry at myself. My phone began to ring, it was Catherine. "Hello?" I said as I wiped my tears.... "What is it Mike?" Vic asked, once I clicked. "Catherine just tried to kill herself." I ran pass Vic, "Wait Mike. I'm going with you." I nodded. "Vic, call an ambulance and send it to Catherine's house. 4568 Glimore Dr." We arrived a few moments later, but her door was locked. I stepped back and kicked it opened. Trails of blood were from the kitchen to upstairs. My heart started racing and I ran upstairs. Her bedroom door was wide open and there she was, lying in the middle of her room. "Oh god." I kneeled down next to her, her wrists were covered in dry blood. White foam was spilling out of her mouth, making me panic. "Catherine. The ambulance are on their way, you'll be fine, okay?" She groaned. I held her in my arms, "I love you, babe." Heavy footsteps echoed through the house as they quickly laid Catherine on a stretcher. Vic came from behind, "Mike, come on, let's follow the ambulance." Vic looked pale. I nodded. We drove behind the ambulance, they quickly took Catherine in, but they left us waiting outside. At this point, all I could do is replay the scene in my head and blame myself. I should've of stayed. Vic and I sat quietly in the waiting room.
It was around noon when we got the news. Catherine's mom and stepdad were in the waiting room with us. The doctor slowly walked towards us, with no expression. He cleared his throat, "I'm sorry to break it to you, but she didn't make it." My heart broke. Catherine's mom yelled, "No! Not my baby girl! Steve, not my baby girl!" She stuffed her face into Steve's chest and she continued to cry. I saw a tear slide down Steve's cheek, but he quickly wiped it away. "We tried everything, but when she arrived, she had lost too much blood and she had a heart attack from all the pills she took. Again, I'm sorry and have a nice day." The doctor turned and walked away. Vic stared at me, "I-I just wanna go home." I whispered. I swallowed the lumped in my throat. Vic and I left the hospital without saying a word, I just wanted to go curl into a ball and cry. That's exactly what I did when I got home. The fact that Catherine was alive this morning and now she's gone.

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