40. The Funeral

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Seeing my best friend getting buried before me isn't a choice. Being unable to sleep isn't either. Every time I close my eyes, I see Jack in the car accident. Like if I was with him. His face searching for help. In pain. I can't get his expression out of my head. It's like an endless nightmare, seeing Jack die in front of me and not being able to do anything about it because it's in my head, not reality-
"Sweetie, let's go home." My mom whispered into my ear. One by one, everybody started leaving. I saw Jack's mom, Joyce, crying at the corner of my eye. I frowned. She saw me and hugged me, she cried into my shoulder. Making me cry even more. "My little boy, he's gone." I patted her back. She sighed, "Well sweetie, I'll see you around." I smiled. I stood there as she walked towards her car. Someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around, it was Mike. He smiled. "Hey." I half-smiled. He sighed. "Look Catherine. I'm sorry about Jack, but the only reason I came here was because I want a second chance. I want us to be together once again." I sighed. "Mike, this isn't the place to talk about-"
"Then when is it!? You never answer my calls or my texts." Mike raised his voice. "Mike. I just want to go home." I whispered. "Let me take you home, please?"
"No Mike. I came with my family." "Look. I broke up with Rylie because I want us together again. I want us to start all over-" I started getting frustrated cause I didn't want to deal with anything. I just wanted to go home. "I just want us to be happy because I lo-" I mentally rolled my eyes. "Mike! I just wanna go home! There's never going to an 'us!' Never again! I don't wanna see you no more. You said you were different, but yet you still cheated on me! Just like the rest of exes! You weren't any different. And I'm tired. Tired of me always loving the other person more than they love me." There was a silence between us. Everyone's attention was turned to us, including my mom's.
"Just leave me alone, Mike. Forever."

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