11. Beautiful Skies

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~C A T H E R I N E~
The guys and I were watching the beautiful sunset while we all munched on our ice creams. Mike and I were outside sitting on the front of my car while the rest of the guys talked in the back.
But I couldn't stop thinking about my dad, I wanted to tell somebody. I just hate bottling up my emotions, but that's what I taught myself to do. I never had a shoulder to cry on, other than Jack, but I hate how he's been there for me more than my mom, my love for Jack is unexplainable. He's the brother I've never had.
"Hey are you okay?" Mike asked me, interrupting my thoughts. I smiled, "Yeah, sorry, got lost in my thoughts." Mike smiled, "About what?" He asked with his sweet voice. "The sky." I said, looking up. Mike followed my gaze. "Yeah it's beautiful." I looked at Mike and caught him staring at me, he looked down blushing. "You wanna know why Ribbon is my favorite ice cream flavor?" I asked, smiling. Mike looked up, "Why?" I feel like I can talk to Mike forever. "Because when I was small, my dad took me to the ice cream shop for the first time and I didn't know what flavor to get so he got me 'Gold Medal Ribbon,' and ever since then I've been getting that flavor, it's reminds me a lot of my dad." I smiled. "That's a wonderful story, Cat." I smiled at Mike, not feeling sad that Mike calls me that. It makes me feel loved and comfort. The night got chilly and Mike and I were just talking. I went to go grab a blanket from my car and wrapped it around both of us. "Mike? Is it okay that I rest my head on your shoulder?"
"Of course." I scooted closer to Mike as I rested my head on his shoulder. I looked up at Mike, he had chocolate color eyes and his hair was brown. I've never seen Mike this close up. I felt the weird feeling in my stomach again,
'I think I'm falling for you Mike Fuentes.'

Gold Medal Ribbon(Mike&Vic Fuentes) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now