5. Is This A Dream?

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~M I K E~
The more Catherine talked to us the more I felt that I was in a dream. It felt unreal, I love this complete stranger that I've never talked to, but here I am. "Hey Mike, you wanna go get some more beer?" She asked, with a drunk laugh. I got up and felt a little tipsy. Catherine held onto my arm, I smiled. "So you've been so quiet. Not much of a talker?" She asked, looking up at me. "I am, It's just that I've-" I cut off mid sentence, realizing that I was about to tell her that I like her. "It's just I can't believe you're talking to me." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. She frowned, "Why not." I sighed, "Because I'm a loser. You're so popular, I just can't believe it." "Mike, I'm not popular, I just know a lot of people." She filled up her cup, we were kind of far from the bonfire. "When I'm sad, like depressed sad, nobody is there for me, except Jack. He's been there for me since day one, that's why I love him so much. It's sad because he cares more-" Catherine stayed silent and looked away, but she never finished her sentence and I thought, 'He cares more than who? She never finished.'
~C A T H E R I N E~
I looked away, realizing what I was about to say. I was about to tell him all my problems, that's why I hate being drunk, but I'm strong. Crying makes you weak. I thought to myself. I don't know, but every time I look at Mike, I feel different. I can't seem to explain, I'm just drunk. "So you wanna go smoke a joint?" I asked, a little awkward. Mike smiled and nodded. "Sure." We started walking farther from the bonfire. It felt kind of peaceful not hearing the music, the screaming, and every noise around me. I lit up the joint, "You smoke?" I asked Mike. "Yeah, don't look much like a smoker, but I've been smoking since I was 14." Mike said. I was kind of surprised, Mike looks innocent and pure. He stopped on his tracks. I smiled, "What's gotten into you?" He smiled and we stared into each other's eyes. "Your eyes spark so bright under the moonlight, Cat." Mike whispered. No one has called me Cat, except my dad.

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