29. Anniversary Gone Wrong!

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"Black dress or red?" I asked Jack as I tried on my dresses. "Mmm.." Jack put on his 'thinking face' and crossed his leg, which made me laugh. "Come on Jack. I'm serious." "Well where are you guys going?" That question made me sad. "I don't know. The last time I talked to him we got into a fight so I thought maybe I'll surprise him?" I said, more like I asked. "Well I think you should wear your black dress with your black and white converse." Jack said. I smiled. "Thanks Jack, you're the best!" I changed real quick and did my make up and hair. When I was finally done, Jack whistled and took out his phone. "Ooo that's my best friend!" He started taking pictures of me and I decided to make funny poses. "Aye! Go best friend! That's my best friend!" Jack and I laughed. A few moments later we took like a zillion pictures of us together. "Oh! Jack I love this picture. Send it to me!" I said. I checked the time, it was 7:45. "I better get going. Check you later Jack."
"Aight, check you later!" I jogged downstairs to Jack's living room. His mom was there, "Hey Joyce!" I smiled. "Hey sweetie!" She hugged me and I left.
I parked in front of Mike's house and stared at the present I got for him. I got him a necklace, mine said I love you and his said I know. To be honest I was nervous, I felt like throwing up. Something just doesn't feel right. I shook it off and knocked on the door. Vic opened. "Hey Vic is Mike here?" Vic smiled and hugged me. "Yeah he should be upstairs." I walked inside their house. "You look beautiful." Vic said. "Thanks." I smiled. I headed upstairs, there was voices coming from his door. I smiled and opened the door.
There are a hundred ways to get your heart broken, but none are worse than getting cheated on.
"M-Mike?" My voice cracked. Rylie was on top of Mike. "Catherine?" Mike pushed Rylie off him and put on his boxers. "Catherine. I'm so sorry, you don't know how sorry..." I couldn't focus on what he was saying. I felt my heart break into a millions of pieces, I wanted to cry, but no tears came out. Maybe I'm just use it. "Catherine?" Mike shook me out of my thoughts. I stared into his eyes, "Happy Anniversary, Mike." I handed him a little box and yanked my necklace off mine. I turned around and walked away.
Being cheated on is the worst feeling in the world, emotionally speaking. It's not an experience, I would like to go through again, but I guess it happened to me once more and it shattered me to pieces because I thought Mike was the one.

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