3. She's Beauty

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~M I K E~
The way she walks. How she talks. Her smile, her laugh. Those beautiful brown eyes, they're full of spark. How that beautiful brown hair shines under the sun. Her in general, she's beauty.
I followed every step she took until she sat in her seat. If only I could just talk to her, that'll be nice, but no, I'm so shy-
"Listen up class! Today we will be starting unit 7, so if you would please take out your textbooks and open to page 145." Mr. Guilbert yelled as he interrupted my thoughts. I sighed and opened my textbook. Ugh. Shapes and angles. I hate math.
The bell rang for lunch, I sprinted towards the cafeteria before Andy beats me up. I sighed. I opened the metal doors that lead to the cafeteria, Tony, Vic, and Jaime were waiting for me at our table. My brother, Vic, already graduated, but he visits us. Vic use to protect us from Andy, "Hey bro. Anything happened with you and your girlfriend?" I blushed at that question. "Oooo" Tony and Jaime chanted. "Shut up guys." I said as I sat down. "And no, nothing happened." I sighed in disappointment. "Dude! You need to talk to her!" Vic nearly yelled. "Look Matty told me there's going to be a kickback in the woods and I'm pretty sure she's going, so we have to go." Jaime demanded. "Okay, but how am I going to talk to her? I'm a loser, she's popular and cool." I looked at her, she was laughing with Jack. "She's so pretty and just look at her she's amaz-" I was interrupted by someone slamming their fist on our table.
"Hey losers. What you looking at Mike?" Andy followed my gaze. "Catherine? You don't think-"
"Get out of here Andy before I kick your ass, again." Vic said as he stood up, he may be shorter, but he's so feisty. "Whatever, losers. By the way Mike" He smirked, "She's my girlfriend."
My. Heart. Broke. Into.
Millions. Of. Pieces.

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