2. Present

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~C A T H E R I N E~
'Yesterday we saw the light, but our dreams were out of sight...'
I got out of the shower as The Giving Moon was playing in the background. I stepped inside my room, I called my best friend Jack Barakat. "Wassup C." A sleepy Jack answered. I chuckled, "Yo! Let's wake n bake?" I asked. He chuckled, "Aight, at our place in 15."
"Aight." I clicked and went to go change. Black skinnies, a white shirt, my jean jacket. I put on my shoes and quickly grabbed my keys and backpack. I jogged downstairs, "Catherine?" Yolanda, my mom, asked. I could hear Steve and Nick too. Their voices annoy me, ever since dad left everything changed. I hate it. I approached them as calmed as possible. "So I wanna congratulate you for your grades. Straight A's." Yolanda said. I stared at her with a blank expression. "She probably cheated her way to have straight A's." Steve said. I rolled my eyes, "Just because your dumbass son has D's and F's, doesn't mean I will." I said. "Don't talk to Steve like that!" Yolanda yelled. "Whatever. I wish dad was here." I mumbled the last part, but loud enough for them to hear. "Gotta go." I whispered. I got in my car and headed you our secret place, it's deep in the woods. You can see the view of the city, it's truly breathe taking.
Jack and I found this place when we were ten, it feels like yesterday. Jack and I have a group of friends, but Jack and I are different. We connected the first day we met. I arrived at our place, Jack was already there. "What took you so long C?" Jack asked. I rolled my eyes, "Morning quarrels." I dug in my backpack and took out my pipe and weed. I packed a bowl and lit it up.
I inhaled as I looked at the beautiful sun peeking through the mountains and the morning breezes hitting my skin. 'All my problems will soon fade away.'

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