17. Let's hang?

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~C A T H E R I N E~
"Hey Mike I was wondering if you want to kiss me?" No. Catherine. Take this serious. "Wassup Mike wanna come over?" I groaned. Practicing with a bathroom mirror isn't easy. Why am I so nervous? Just invite him over and it'll be alright. What if he says no- No! Just call him. I grabbed my phone and dialed Mike. It rang for a couple of seconds. Is it hot in here? Fuck. Please answer. Plea- "Hey Cat." Mike's voice filled my ears. Giving me butterflies.
"Wa-Wassup Mike, umm I was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch a movie."
"Yeah okay, I'll be right over."
"Okay you can just bring what you're wearing or your pajamas." I mentally slapped myself. Mike chuckled. "Okay, see you in 15."
"Okay bye." "Bye Cat." You did it Catherine. Snacks. We need snacks. I ran downstairs to grab something from the kitchen and slipped on the last step. "Honey, are you okay?" I got up, "Yeah mom!" I headed to the kitchen and put popcorn in the microwave. I hurriedly took out candy and chips from the closet. What else? Drinks! I took out Arizonas, Peace Tea, and Fruit Punch. I took out some cups. The door bell ranged, echoing through the house. Has it been 15 minutes already? Nick got up to get it, "No! I'll get it." I pushed passed Nick and opened the door. It was Mike. With that cute smirk on his face that always makes me smile, no matter what.

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