21. Prom Night

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~M I K E~
My palms are sweaty, my heart is racing. I'm so nervous. I kept staring at myself in the mirror, I look weird in a suit.
"Mike- Damn! Look at my little bro. Looking all cute." I rolled my eyes. "Oh shut up, Vic. I'm nervous. Catherine will be here any minute." Vic chuckled. "You really like this girl, huh?"
"Yes, Vic. I went from not talking to her to her being my prom date and I don't wanna fuck it up." I sighed. "She's different Vic. She's not the girl you see at school. She's been through so much and I wanna be there for her. I wanna make her believe in love cause
I love her, she sees things and she understands." Vic smiled.
*Knock Knock*
My heart stopped. "Come on." Vic said. I followed him downstairs. The door was open, but my mom blocked my view. I took the last step from the stairs, "Oh mijo. You look so handsome." My mom squealed. I chuckled, I looked behind my mom. There she was, smiling. With her beautiful wine red dress. I love her even more. Her beautiful brown hair was curled and her make up is perfect. She's perfect. I walked up to Catherine and pecked her lips. I caressed her cheek, "You look beautiful." She blushed, "And you look handsome." My mom squealed even more, "Vic call your dad, it's picture time!" Vic nodded. A few moments later, my dad appeared. "Well who's this lovely lady?" Catherine smiled, "Hi I'm Catherine, nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too"

"Have fun guys!" Vic yelled as he dropped us off. Catherine held my hand as we walked towards Jaime and Tony. "Damn! You guys look perfect together." Jaime said. I blushed at the comment. We introduced ourselves to Tony's and Jaime's dates and headed inside.

We finished taking our prom pictures and we headed to the dance floor and danced as a group. "Jack!" Catherine yelled as she attacked him with a bear hug. "I brought your camera so you can take pictures!" Jack said. "Thanks Jack! Dance with us!" Catherine grabbed my hand and we continued dancing. The song came to an end and started playing a slow song. I smiled. Perfect. I wrapped my arms around Catherine's waist and she loosely wrapped her arms around my neck. She looked up at me, "Catherine, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" She smiled. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."
I leaned down and kissed her, You're all mine.

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