13. The Truth

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~M I K E~
It was two in the morning and I kept tossing and turning. I sighed in frustration. I stared up at the ceiling. My thoughts went to Catherine, at how beautiful she is. I caught myself smiling, she's just so beautiful. The text tone from my phone went off. 'Who could text me at this time?' I picked up my phone, it was Catherine?
Are you awake?
Yeah why? :)
I put my phone back on my counter and smiled. 'Why is she texting me at this time?' My text tone went off.
Good :) can't sleep wanna hangout?
Ugh sure, that'll be great.
Okay send me your address, I'll pick you up.
557 Bella Ct.
Okay be there in 10
I got out of bed and put on my black hoodie. I searched for my vans, but they were nowhere.
"Fuck." I whispered to myself. 'They're probably downstairs.' I tip toed downstairs and grabbed my shoes and headed upstairs . I heard my phone go off.
I'm outside.
I quickly put on my shoes and sneaked out of my window. I ran towards Catherine's car, "Hey." She whispered. "Are you high?" I asked as I sat down. "And a little bit of drunk, but I can still drive. Wanna get ice cream?" She asked. "Sure." I mumbled.

We arrived at the ice cream shop and Catherine was so quiet. It seemed like she wanted to cry. "What can I get you guys?" The lady asked. "I'll get two scoops of chocolate please." The lady nodded, "and for you?"
"I'll get two scoops of gold medal ribbon please." The lady served us our ice cream and we paid.
"I wanna show you something." Catherine said as we got inside her car. "Is it going to be scary?" She chuckled. "No. I promise." We drove for a few moments and we arrived at the woods. "It's a short walk." She said as she grabbed her backpack.

"Here it is." She whispered. It was an old railroad. It was dark, but shun with the city lights. "Woah. How did you find this place?" Catherine held my hand, sending sparks through my body. "My dad use to take me here." She said as she took a drink of her Jack Daniels. When did she get that? "Want some?" I took the bottle from her and drank the 'poison,' letting it burn my throat. We sat down as we let our feet hang at the edge of the railroad. "It looks different." She whispered. "Wanna know something?" Catherine asked. "I'd loved to." She smiled, "You're so sweet. Anyways, my dad didn't die." Catherine looked into my eyes, her eyes were watery. "I remember the first time my dad brought me here. I was around four, but I didn't really pay attention to it. Years passed, my parents started fighting almost daily so they divorced. My mom taking full custody of me. Which meant not being able to see my dad no more. My dad was my happiness and my mom took that away from me." Angry tears came streaming down her cheeks. "A-Are you okay?" I stuttered, "I'm fine." She mumbled as she rested her head on my shoulder. I played with her hair. It broke my heart seeing her cry like this. Those sparkled eyes of hers hide unknown secrets.

Gold Medal Ribbon(Mike&Vic Fuentes) |COMPLETED|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora