8. Feelings

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~M I K E~
"Okay class today we will be having a make up day since it's almost winter break and the end of first quarter. If you don't have missing work then work on page 542." Mr. Guilbert said as the bell rang. I looked over at Catherine and she patted the seat next to her. I grabbed my stuffs and sat down, but today she seemed different. She was quiet, she had less spark in her eyes. She look tired. "Hey Cat." Every time I call her that she looks sad. "Hey Mike." I looked into her eyes, "Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah why?" She said. "Your eyes aren't sparkling." I said. She smiled, "What do you mean?"
"Well when I'm with you, your eyes sparkle. Today they're not." I frowned. She sighed, "Is that Steve's, my stepdad, family are coming and I don't wanna go home, I feel so left out." She mumbled the last part, sounding hurt. I smiled, "Well you can come home with Vic and I." I suggested. "No I'm just going to bother you guys." "What!? No. Never." I said, getting the attention from the class. "Please use your inside voices." Mr. Guilbert said. Catherine chuckled. "Fine." We opened our textbooks, Catherine started working right away. "You understand this?" I asked. She smiled, "Yeah I like math."
"Well can you help me out?" I asked. "Sure. Okay so we're working on solving for x. So on number one the angle isn't equal, so it'll add up to 180, it'll be x + 66 + x + 126 = 180..."
The more Catherine talked, the more butterflies I got in my stomach and the more I fell in love with her.

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