Family reunion

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You were helping with putting the gym ready for practice when Hitoka walked in the gym. It seemed like she had created a friendship with Hinata. After sometime you and Hitoka were standing next to Kiyoko.

"Okay, since it's your first time to know what you are actually going to do, I'll teach you." Kiyoko said. The whole time she answered to your questions and told you what to do.

Just an hour later you were with Hitoka changing your clothes away.

"What do you think?" You asked from her.

"It's amazing. But..."

"But your mother isn't it." You said and she nodded. You walked out of changing room.

"What about your parents?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do they think about of you hanging out with volleyball team?" She asked when you stopped in front of gyms door.

"Haven't tell them."

"How come?"

"They aren't here. So they can't put their finger on my things." You told her and made a small smile.

"A-are they dead? I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." You started to laugh when she bowed to you 90 degrees.

"Of course not. They are alive. They just are in Finland where I come from." You said after you calmed down. "I live with Daichi's family. My cousin." You told after you saw her questioning face. You went trough some other weird things and then you found yourself from your room calling to your parents.

"*How are things going there?*" Your father asked. You were all talking in english, since it was full family conversation.

"*Very well to be honest. I like to be here more than in there.*" You told them.

"*How come?*" Your mother asked.

"*Can I come there?*" Your twin, (T/B/N) asked.

"*No. And I like it here because I have friends and also I got a boyfriend.*"

"*A WHAT!?*" Your father yelled. "*Young lady, you are 16. You are not allowed to have anyone to date yet.*" He continued.

"*Don't listen to him.*" Your mother says.

"*Oh and also I'm volleyball team's manager. Not main but still.*"

"*That's great honey. Daichi is in the team isn't he?*" You said yes. "*In that case you are okay.*" You also told them that your bf is on the team too. You continued to talk and you found out that your sister was coming to visit there soon. You ended the call and went to down stairs where your aunt was.

"Aunt. My sister is coming here tomorrow." You told.

"Really!? We have to get ready." She says jumping off the couch.

"No need. She is already here and is staying at hotel." You told. You actually didn't want to meet your "perfect" sister.

"Oh so she is coming only for a short visit?" You nodded.

For the next two days Yachi became a regular manager and you the second regular manager and Karasuno had practice game. You also get your tests back. With 97/100 pointed test you walked trough the door to your home, only to walk into your sister.

"Hola, como estas." She says, in spanish.

"I still don't talk Spanish, no matter how you try to make me." You said. She rolls her eyes.

"You should. You have to come to Spain in like a year, or so, anyway." She tells you.

"How come?"

"I'm getting married." You start laughing at this until (S/N) shows you her engagement ring.

"Wait, you're serious!? You came all the way to here only to show me you are engaged?" You asked.

"No, I came here to spent time with my sister, before I have to go back and take responsibility on my back." She says.

"So my 22 years old sister wants to spent time with me. You sound childish."

"Can't help it. Come on!" She took you by the hand. "We got a lot of things to do at the mall."

"But I'm still on my school uniform." You said when she opened a car door and pushed you in. You two drive to the mall and started to go around. After few hours (S/N) pulled you to the closest café.

"When is your wedding?" You asked.

"After summer. I already have my wedding dress on the way." She told you. You nodded. "I mostly came here to personally ask if you and May could be my other two bridesmaids." You already guessed her best friends would be the other two.

"Goes for me. At least there will be good food." You told and then send blow kiss to Nishinoya who was walking by and looked at you. He did the same to you making you blush. "No. It was my turn to flirt. You ruined it." You said quietly by yourself but (S/N) heard it.

"You know that guy? He looks good." She says.

"He is. And I know him. He is mine." You pointed to yourself.

"And she's mine." You heard and felt hands around your shoulders.

"Oh gosh don't scare me." You said to Noya who just laughed at your reaction.

"Wait a minute. Are you two dating? You are sixteen my sister."

"So?" You rise your eyebrow.

"I was nineteen when I first fall in love. How can you take steps before me?" She said. "Oh (S/N) (L/N), (Y/N)'s older sister. Nice to meet you." She shook her hand with Nishinoya.

"Nishinoya Yū. (Y/N)'s boyfriend." Noya says. You turned to look at him.

"Senpai, what are you doing here?" You could see him getting happier than he already was.

"I was looking for a new bag since mom didn't let me borrow hers." He said. You nodded to him.

"I should also start packing." You said. "Daichi is probably going to help me so I don't have any problems. Or if he doesn't I'll force him." Noya laughed at you.

"Where are you going?" (S/N) asked confused.

"To a camp or so." You told her. She thought for a moment.

"Okay. Just don't sleep in the same room and I'm okay." You started to blush at her words. She saw it and made an evil grin. "Or if you do, be sure to use protection."

"(S/N) STOP!!" You said. Your face could be compared to a tomato it would still be more redder. Your sister started to laugh.

"Okay. We'll be sure to do that." Noya said making a smoke come out of your head.


My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now