Leaving again

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The next day you spend it with your family. After you woke up your mother asked if you could come to the kitchen. She teaches you a new food recipe.

"I bet your aunt can't make this food." She says laughs afterwards. You laughed with her.

"I think so too. Koichi makes fun of her because she always wants me to make the food. Also the last time she made the food alone we had to order pizza." You laughed at the memory. She was so down after her cooking went all wrong.

"I can see the whole happening." Your mother sighs. "When we were teenagers she was taking me to every festival and sale she could just find. And when I asked if she would like to make something I liked to do she said no. Of course that was before she suddenly walked into my brother." She makes a bigger sigh.

"No way! Tell me." You said with a big smile. You knew your mother and aunt were best friends from their school years.

"Well. One day, when we were on high school, she came to me running. She was like: Omg! Omg! Omg! Sawa-chan! You must hear this."

"Sawa-chan? What's with the name?" Your brother asks when he suddenly comes from under the table.

"My friends called me Sawa-chan, coming from Sawamura. But since it was so long and they couldn't make any nicknames of my name they called me that." Your mother says and continues to make the food. "What were you doing under the table?"

"Waiting for the perfect moment to come and catch some food. Continue the story." (T/B/N) says.

"So after what she said, I asked what was going on. She told me that she walked into the most hottest guy in our school. I told her not to be too excited of boys because we were on our first year. But she took me by the hand and told me that I have to help her and this guy to get together." Your mom tells you two.

"Sounds very familiar." You said.

"So for the few next weeks I tried to make the guy to notice her. Then one day she had the courage to go and talk to him."

"Let me guess. She dragged you along so she would feel safe?" (T/B/N) asked. Your mother nodded.

"She did. Also when I met the guys she had fallen head over heels, I wanted to slap her into reality. She went really shy and almost got angry at me when I went and started to talk with her man. Hah, you should have seen her face when I told her he was my brother. Well anyway. The next time I asked if she wanted to learn something from me she was kind of like already standing behind our apartments door."

"And so she got together with uncle." You and (T/B/N) said in unsion.

"Yes. The best thing is that we became sisters." Your mom says and slaps your brother on his finger when he tries to took some of the food you had just made. "It's not ready for gods sake."

Few hours later after eating you all were sitting in the car ready to go to meet your grandparents. You were glad to go there until you heard your cousins will be there. The Finnish ones I mean. You and your brother felt like you were ready to jump out of the car and run back to home, but your parents told you not to do it. So you two spent the time sitting on the table and eating everything your grandmother gave to you. And that was a lot of food.

"You know, we should go and mess around." (T/B/N) said bored as what.

"Yeah. Like climb up to the roof." You nodded.

"Mitä te sanoitte? (What did you say?)" Your cousin asked. He didn't talk any other language than Finnish so you two were so happy that you could just talk what ever you want.

"Ei mitään. (Nothing.)" You both said and stood up from the table. Your grandma had just told you how you two looked more like your mother than father. You had heard this over a million time. Also your cousin asked if you two could play with him, which you said no.

For sometime you tried to get rid of him and then got an idea.

"Mitä jos pelattaisiin piilosta? Laske sataan ja tuu sit etsimään meitä. (What if we play hide and seek? You count to one hundred and them come to look for us.)" (T/B/N) said. Your cousin started to count and you went to outside. You both clime up to the roof and then went into a secret room on the roof. You had found it a few years ago and it seemed like you were the only ones to know about the place. To get into the room you had to climb up and then go trough a little door. You couldn't go to there from inside. What was more funny was that you could stalk other in the house from the room. You had make it to look like a little bedroom.

It took forever to your cousin to find you so it became time for you to go back home. You started to pack when you got a message from Chiyoko.

Fr: Chiyo
Hope you have a swimming suit or bikini. We have a beach and sea next to the training camp house we are staying in.

You answered to the message and started to look for your swimsuit.

"(Y/N), we have two hours until your flight leaves." Your mother says from the door.

"Shoot." You started to pack with a record pace. And after 30 minutes you found yourself from airport.

"Okay take care." You told your family.

"Of course we will. Honey, stay safe." Your mother says and hugs you.

"And don't get pregnant." (T/B/N) said and you glared at him.

"Wasn't the first thing on the list."

"Mm-m... You sure?" You rolled your eyes gave him and your parents one last hug and went trough the port.

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now