Will you?

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2017 - five years later

"Here you go. Have a nice day." a 20 year-old woman says when the customers leave the shop.

"Manager, was that the last one of the day?" The woman nods.

"Sure was. Thank you for your hard work. Let's close the shop." She beamed a bright smile towards the other worker.

(L/N) (Y/N), 3rd year in university, owner of Sweet Surprise, a very popular bakery & cafe. (not that one that is in Turku no!!)

'It's been five years already, huh.' During these five years has happened a lot. The team had losses and wins. At the inter-high prelim we lost to Date Tech. And in the fall we qualified for the spring tournament and faced Inarizaki in the 3rd round. Our new third years graduated and then we became the new third years. In our final spring, we made it to the semifinals and got to stand on center court, buuttt.... we were defeated by Itachiyama. We got placed 3rd in the nation. And I started to panic. What was I going to do after I graduate!!?

Back then I had no idea. I used to discuss about it with Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Yachi, Hinata and Kageyama but I was probably the only one who didn't knew what to do. Until one day I decided to put my skills in a good use and designed and planned a bakery/cafe, and once I was certainly sure of this plan, I opened the place. I was 2nd year in university at the time. With the help of my friends we got the place ready for its opening ceremony. The place became pretty popular, which I was surprised.

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima went to different university than I and Hitoka. Hitoka took a part-time job in a design company, where she will be staring as a regular. For what I knew Kageyama was widely recruited and chose to advance to the V-league instead. Still a teenager, he continued his exceptional performance even in the top league in Japan. Apparently he's planning to test himself in a foreign league in the near future too. Apart from all of us Hinata, well...

"Hitoka I don't think Hinata is going to die." I told her when we were sitting in her office after her shift was over. We had planned of going to walk around the mall later the afternoon.

Yachi Hitoka, 3rd year in university, working part-time for a design company

"But it's Brazil!" She worries and takes a bite of one of the lemon muffins I'd bring with me. "These are really good."

"Thanks. Although I heard from my brother that one time when they were in Brazil during high school, one of the girls got missing and apparently kidnapped." I told her pointing my finger up again. Stupid habit.

"Don't tell me that!!" She yelled and I laughed at her. She packed her stuff and we were able to leave. "Oh yeah. When are you and Nishinoya getting married?"

I choked on my smoothie that I had been carrying with me. She started to laugh at my red face.


"I mean, don't you already like live together or something?"

"Yeah, but neither of us has proposed. And we are way too busy with our jobs and stuff." I told her feeling that I should probably splash the smoothie on my face so it wouldn't feel so hot. "And please stop asking, I'm already getting enough of it from Sugawaras." I sighed.

"I still can't believe it has been two years since their wedding." I then laughed at the memory. "The bouquet throwing got out of hand when it hit Kaedé on the face. She was so mad." We both laughed at the memory. It was all an accident but still Chiyoko had to go and get Kaedé back to the place while everyone else was either laughing or shaking their heads with a smile. Eventually they got back and one year later was another wedding.

"And now the only ones, from that time, I've been meeting are you, Tsukki and Yama. And Chiyoko since we are still in the same team." I said. "Geez we are old..."

"Yeah. I haven't even seen Chiyoko-san after the wedding." Yachi says. "I wonder how everyone is doing." After an hours of talking and walking we parted ways and I got home. But first had to go through shop to get something for the fridge.

"Tadaima." I said locking the door and walking to the kitchen. After that I threw myself on the couch. I soon felt a pair of arms pull me up and to someones lap.

"How was the day, love?"

"Hi Yū. It was really nice. I met with Hitoka and we talked about different stuff." I closed my eyes. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Dinner's on me." I looked up at him.

"Oh no. I'm not letting you into the kitchen after what happened last time." He shook his head.

"I know. But I happen to be a very good boyfriend and booked us a table at one of the best restaurants in Miyagi." I jumped up and turned to look at him.

"And you didn't tell me? When do we leave? What should I wear? I should do something with my hair! And I smell like pastry." I walked back and forth in the living room trying to make a solution.

"But you look good in anything." He said standing up and put his arms around my waist.

"You really don't know it but I need at least an hour until I can go out in public."

"And not to add more pressure but today is our sixth year anniversary of dating."

"You really want to add more pressure, don't you." I turned around and gave him a little kiss. "I'll go change clothes and we can go."

*Time skip*

In two hours we arrived to the restaurant and got to the table. We didn't have to wait for too long until the waitress came and gave us the menus and asked if there was something we would like to drink. We went down the menu and had a competition of which one was going to pick the better meal. He won. The waitress came with the drinks and asked if we had decided already. After she was gone Yū put the drinks aside. (But my coca-cola!)

"There's something very important I want to tell you." He took my hands into his and looked me into my eyes.

"You know, (Y/N). From the moment I first saw you, I knew I fell in love. I saw you from the corner of my eye when I was talking with Hinata and I thought a goddess had just passed by. The first time you talked to me I could feel my heart beat fasten. After meeting you, I never regretted of joining the team. Spending time with you at first as friends, I found myself falling even deeper in love. When you told me, via letter that your feelings didn't matter, it broke my heart. I felt myself being the most luckiest guy when we started dating. You set my heart on fire and rose my spirit when ever you cheered on me and the team during our games. The worst time in the world was when I graduated, because I knew I wasn't able to see you every day. You are my morning sunshine, you are the one I smile brightest for. You bring happiness into my everyday life. And I know you will always be there when I need you. You are the one who can make my heart beat, you are my reason of living. And I can't live without you."

He lets go of my hands, stands up and walks next to me. I turn to face him with confused face. He takes something out of his pocket and then kneels down.

"(Y/N) (L/N), will you make me the happiest man and marry me?" I put my hands in front of my mouth and felt tears roll down my cheeks. I nodded.

"Yes. Yes I will." He put the ring on my ring finger and stood up to kiss me, passionately.

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now