Two weeks into the new semester and things are already escalating...

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Two weeks has been since school started again and I became second year, together with Kageyama, Hinata, Yachi, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi and first time in my life a real senpai. Since in Finland we don't have the senpai kohai thing. We got our new first years start in the club just a week ago and so far everything has been going just great.

As a smarty pants I have to teach Noya, who is older than me!!, basic stuff as math and history and English and Jesus! Can't that boy just stop sleeping during classes and focus for his future?! Gladly I've been getting helping hand from Ennoshita who is currently the captain.

At the moment I was yelling Nishinoya and Tanaka to focus better than fooling around making Hinata come along with them. Having first years who are pretty much lost all the time is already enough but having immature third years was another story.

"BOYS!! We can't go through the statics if you keep on fooling around!" I yelled and then sighed. I got a pitying look from Ukai and Takeda, who both knew my voice was going to fade if I didn't take any breaks from coaching them. I dropped myself on bench and let the adults do the rest.

'How in the world did Chiyoko take care of this all?' I soon felt my phone tremble in my pocket and excused myself.


"(Y/N) YOU GOTTA HELP ME!!" I quickly took the phone off from my ear.

"Leiko is everything okay?" I asked.

"NO!!" I'm quiet for a moment. This was unusual acting from her. She was a girl who rarely got panic in her voice and definitely didn't yell at phone.

"What's going on? You sound troubled."

"I am! They should have warn me before I signed up to be manager for the volleyball team."

"Is something wrong with the team?"

"No! (Y/N) I think I like like the captain of our team." I had to pause and think for a moment.

'Who the fck was new captain?!'

"The setter." I nearly dropped my phone.

"Oh... OH!!"

"SO I really need your help! You are closest to my age who has boyfriend and who doesn't give me some random advice. He's nice but also really salty. I like that." Well you don't hear that everyday.

"Are you sure you really want advice? You know that there's a difference between boys and I got my advice from Neko." She was quiet.

"At least you worked on on your own with a little advice. I really need help!!"

"Why do I have a feeling that advice is not the only thing you need."

"I'm really bad with males." She told truthfully after a short silence.

"Why? Is it because of the beating you got when you were a child?" I asked.

"(Y/N)!! WE ARE CONTINUING!!" I heard Ukai yell.

"I'll be there in a minute!"

"If you won't, I wont' control myself the next time!" Noya yells and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"And I won't control myself from beating you up if you got anymore of those nearly passed scores from your tests!!" I yelled getting followed by laughter. "So tell me."

"Yeah. But there's also something that only Chiyoko-sama and Kaedé knows." I hear her voice tremble.

"And that is?"

"This might take a while to tell but here goes." She took a deep breath and tried to find the right words. "You know how I run away from home only to be gotten in by Fumiko's family."


"The thing is that when I was eleven that man..." I could hear how her voice got weaker.

"You can do this." This was the first time to meet her in this condition so I slapped my hand on Noya's mouth when he came to get me back inside.

"He found me and took me with him. And first he beat me up and after that..." I heard crying.

"Should I come there? This sounds pretty serious."

"N-no need I just need to gather myself up."

"Where are you now?"

"In the gym, alone. Hanging upside down from the balcony." She says. "The rest are outside running laps as coach got mad at them. So let me continue. I was nearly... you know."

'The worst case scenario, I could guess...'

"You sure you wanna talk about it?"

"Well, no really, but talking about the things helps moving on from them. Leave the past behind."

"Alright then." I take a better position and listen to her story. "When you are ready." She takes a breath and then talks.

"The nightmare ended when Chiyoko-sama came through the window. Glass shattered everywhere and she was livid. She kicked the man with all she got, he flew onto the door and the door broke down. Then she wrapped a blanket around me and proceeded to attack the man with a sword."

"A sword?"

"Yeah, you know the wagasa Chiyoko-sama carries with her everywhere?"


"It's a sword. It's just masked into a wagasa."

"You mean to tell me, this whole time I've known her, she has carried a weapon with her to school, practice and literally everywhere else?"

"Pretty much." She then lets out a laugh. "She's more dangerous than you think. Anyway, it's a miracle that man lived. If Kaedé was a minute late with the police, he'd be dead."

"Christ Leiko, you've been through more than you let people know. With your history, I recommend you to take baby steps. And maybe even asks help from the team or the previous senpais and his friends on how to move forwards with this situation. And I know you probably don't want to, but for more help you should ask from Yuri. I believe you can get over your fears and doubts."

"I understand. Thank you so much, (Y/N). You are a good listener. I'm sorry I bothered your practice. Can you keep this for yourself?"

"It's okay. I won't say anything. And I can recommend you few really good places for dates and- Hell no am I going to wear that!! I'm sorry Leiko, I have to go. Call you later. Wish you luck." I end the call and took the cheerleader outfit off from Noya's hands. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing much. You coming back or what?" I kissed his cheek and folded the outfit.

"In a minutE!" I felt my feet rose from the ground and got thrown on someone's shoulder.

"You said that five minutes ago. I might have to punish you~"

"Noya I'm seventeen! You have to wait- Why is there another chaos in the gym?!" I felt like a wave of stress just got on to me. "That's it, I'm calling Chiyoko."

Their faces fell into horror. Chiyoko had personally told everyone that if I have trouble in the club with them she will come and beat everyone up, with no mercy.

"Hi Chiyoko! Thanks for having time with your tight schedule. So listen this-"

"Wai-wai-wait WAIT!!" I put my phone away.

"We won't be getting far if you don't focus. I will start compare us to other schools if you don't take this seriously." I said voice full of confidence. "And I will be dealing with you later." I pointed at Noya.

"What do I get? A kiss, date or perhaps-"

"A beat up."

"Stop being so harsh!!" I pushed him to the court laughing to myself. Two more years and It's us who will say good bye.

"Guys! Work out so that there is no place that isn't covered in sweat!"


I'm screaming and crying at the same time. We have freaking 50K reads!! I mean like how?!! I love you guys so much!!

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