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"Now. Which one of us ever gets more receives wins. If I win, you'll buy me... strawberry parfait."

"And if I win, you'll buy me (your favorite sweet)."


"Neko! (Y/N)! You ready?"

"Bring it on!" You knew this was going to be the end of you, but to be really good you had no other choices. You looked straight as the ball was served to the game and followed it to the other side with your eyes. You watched as Neko received it and then Chiyoko set it to Kaedé who spiked it down.

"(Y/N), front!" Ayumi yelled and you went forwards as fast as you could, somehow getting your hand under the ball. It rebounded from your hand up and Ayumi went to get it. She set it to Rikona who slammed it down aiming you a point.

"And white team takes the lead." Momo says and puts a point to your team. "Can red team take them back?"

"Hell yeah! You think we couldn't?" Gina asks and gets ready.

"No one ever said that you could." Momo says back.

"Just continue!" Coach yells. Yuri walked to serve the ball with her boomerang serve, fooling other team.

"Service ace!"

"I still don't get how that fools us!" Seina says.

"You're just stupid." Sakae bombed back.

"You're my sister! How could you say that?!" Sakae shrugs her shoulders and gets ready for the incoming ball. Red team scores making the game go White 2-1 Red.

"Dang it. They are getting points."

"Let's not back down!"

"Ha! You ain't getting anywhere!" Gina yells from other side. The next two points went to Red team making it 2-5.

"Unfair! You have all the best players in your team!" Leiko whines.

Team White:
Tenkubashi, not the Hinata one.
Mishima, younger

Team Red:
Tenkubashi, Hinata one
Mishima, older

"Actually these teams are surprisingly same level." Momo says from the side.

"Now that you think about it Takeyuki is only a little behind of Udai of being setter. Achikita has top power but I think both Shirabu, I'll never get used to that last name, why did this all had to turn this way?! Anyway she and Hiramatsu are not much behind. Tenkubashi twins are almost the same level but Seina is a little bit stupid to understand the game." Coach Udai says while watching over the teams.

"Hey! I heard that!" Seina yells.

"And you deserved it!" Gina said. White team aims a point when Yuri slams the ball down. Then she aims a second point as she serves the ball to the game, 4-5.

"Shirakawa and Daruma has same kind of playing style meaning they are pretty much same leveled. Toyoda is not competing with anyone else but Achikita, but they are in the same team. Our liberos are getting on the same level. All it takes from Sawamura is more practice." Coach continues.

"Perhaps she should go to some camp?" Momo suggest and puts a point to Red team.

"Perhaps. But for now it's too late. The nationals are coming ahead and we will all go to Tokyo in less than two weeks. We have to keep her as a spare libero. Let's change her when we see the change to come."

"Right. And the game is 5-6. White team still has a change!" Momo accounts. "Who do we put on the court first?"

"It doesn't really matter. In my option we could put Leiko, Ne, Ayumi, Gina, Sakae, Tatsu and Rikona on the court at first. Though I have to think on Rikona's case since she told me that she will have surgery soon. It depends on that. White team point." Momo puts the point up.

"I hope it's nothing serious. Last time was a nightmare."

"The doctors might have find a way to cure her sickness and bring her voice back. I'm afraid she won't be able to play. If that's so we'll put Chiyoko and Kaedé on the court. Have you heard anything about Tenma?" A visible blush crept on Momo's cheeks.

"Not really. For what I know is that he's busy with studies and work." Momo says and puts another point to White team. 7-6.

"I thought you were dating."

"We were until few days ago."

"You broke up?!" Akari asks while taking her phone out of the pocket of her jacket. "I'm calling him."

"No, no, no. We didn't broke up. He proposed." At this moment Akari drops her phone on the ground and yells "what" so loud that Kaedé messes up her serve.

"Is my little boy growing up that fast?! When is your wedding? Oh god I must start to prepare. I have to-"

"It's okay. We planned on getting married in two years from now. So there's nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about? Nothing to-"

"Mom!" Akari turned to look at Chiyoko.


"Can you please focus? Red team got two points while White got one. Did you even notice?"

"I'm sorry Chiyoko. You're right we should focus. Let's have a water break here." Akari says.

"What were you talking anyway?" Chiyoko asks as she takes water into her mouth.

"Your brother proposed and there will be wedding in two years." Akari says making Chiyoko's eyes go wide and split the water out of her mouth.

"*cough* *cough* What?!"

*Time skip*

"So now that it seem that White team lost the game 1-2 I have and announcement to make. It's about the Nationals." Akari says as everyone gathers around. "We have decided the team members who will play. Of course we will do changes along the game so everyone will get to the court. Rikona has surgery in few days meaning she isn't maybe able to play at all. If she however can play Leiko, Ayumi, Rikona, Tatsu, Sakae, Ne and Gina will be on the court. If not we'll change Chiyoko and Kaedé to play on Ayumi and Rikona's places."

"Why couldn't she play?" Seina asks.

"It's a surgery, that's why." Gina says.

"Moving on. Neko, Kaedé, Chiyoko, Yuri and (Y/N), you are all managers in your schools boys volleyball team. Am I right?" You all nodded. "You won't be attending to your school's games since you have to be in this team."

"But mom. Shiratorizawa or Seijoh didn't make it to Nationals since Karasuno beat them both up." Chiyoko says, clearly being a little mean.

"You wanna fight, don't you?" Kaedé asks coldly. The air around Chiyoko, Kaedé and Yuri gets cold.

"Maybe I do. You'll never know." Chiyoko says and then turns back to her mother. "Wait, isn't Rikona also part of her schools boys volleyball team? If I remember right she's been helping around them ever since she started high school."

"Right. If she can't play with us, Rikona can choose if she wants to help you on the side or go and do her work in her team. Is that okay with you?" Rikona nods.

"Then it's clear. We'll leave to Tokyo few days before since we'll be helping around the hall to put everything ready." Akari says and ends the practice.

"(Y/N)! Wait!" Neko yells as she catches you up outside.

"What is it?"

"You own me strawberry parfait."

"Aw shit."

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum