Bullet XIV

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Lisa was completely ignored by all the wolves since she had woken up from her unconsciousness.

Usually, the loud ones like Jackson or Youngjae would scream a good morning from the kitchen, or leader Jaebum would pull a nasty morning prank on her as she walks down the stairs.

Lisa sighed and shrugged it off, thinking that their lack of mood was probably due to a lost in a tradegame match, or they've gotten into a quarrel, which they sometimes do.

Without thinking much about it, she continued to prepare for another schoolday, mumbling a soft goodbye them whom were busy discussing about their online stocks and future tradegames.

And of course, they didn't bother to reply back, nor take a single glance at her. Lisa closed the door, feeling her eyes burning as tears threatened to form.

"Come back safe." She heard a voice which belonged to Bambam. She smiles, knowing that her brother was always the one who cares and prays for her safety.

SOPA University

Lisa opened the glass doors and walked in. As usual, she ignored everyone's stares and continued to head towards her locker.

B2903, she stopped her tracks to turn the number combination lock to open it.

The first thing the girl noticed inside her red locker was a flower and a purple paper lying on the very top of her pile of books and shit.

thanks for visiting me, i had fun. Sorry V had to ask you to leave early :(

-banana milk

She spun around and looked behind her. And then, for a split second, Lisa saw Jeon peering at her from around the corner of the hallway.

Their eyes met. Lisa smiled.

After their first classes, Jeon sighed tiredly as he walked to his locker to get his books for the next lesson. As soon as he opened the locker, he noticed the familiar purple paper which was lying on top of his biology book.

you looked cute when you sleep.

-peanut butter and jelly sandwich

P. S - was the dandelion from the school's gardens? Anyway thanks

Jeon was lowkey exposed. Well.. the flowers at his house DID looked kinda ulgy so he had no choice but to bend down and pick a the yellow flower outside the school.

But what matters wasn't the flower, but the dangerous feelings he had developed for that girl. Her kind, caring, and even her sassy personality was what made him fell for her.

But he knew the rules well.

A mafia should never fall in love.

But the thing is...

Jeon isn't actually the type of person who follows the rules.

"Yeah," Jeon crossed his arms as he looked at the readers 'sexily'. "Jeon doesn't follow by the rules, Jeon lives by his own life. I AIN'T GONNA FOLLOW FOR SHIT! I'M GONNA GET MA GIRL!"

So during lunch, Jeon asked Lisa if she wanted to hang out at the mall today, which she gladly agreed.

They went shopping at Walmart, buying super random stuffs like toilet paper, bread, tomatoes, eggs and a watermelon.

Well they did bought a LOT more but Lisa couldn't think of any more as most of the items were already covered by a huge mountain of banana milks which Jeon insisted to buy otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive for the week.

$168.99, the cashier said so Lisa began to fetch out her credit card as she doesn't carry that much amount of money in her purse.

But before she could pull out the cash from her messy handbag, she heard the cashier said thank you and have a nice day.

"Slowpoke." Jeon blew a raspberry at her, sliding the black card back into his pocket.

Then they went to the third floor of the mall, and while Lisa was in the H&M shop, Jeon went to this kawaii store and bought two silver bracelets, giving one to Lisa and the other to himself.

Jeon really really wanted to say something more better. Something like 'this bracelet shows my love for you' or even saying, 'that bigger heart charm is me, and the smaller one is you 'cause you're a smol lil' bean' but instead, he said that the bracelets resembles their friendship because he didn't wanted to make her feel uncomfortable, or making her think that he's a freak or a wierdo.

But on the other hand, Lisa thought Jeon was being too obvious. I mean, why does 'friendship' bracelets have two heart lockets which has the first letter of your name carved on a heart and your friend's on the other?

Furthermore, a charm which has a picture of a cartoon boy and girl kissing?

But Lisa decided to keep things quiet because she thinks that Jeon's rambles when he lies about the bracelet were extremely cute.

Especially when he looks a Lisa with those eyes, and says, 'You do believe in everything I say, right?'

Well,, Lisa always said yes, I do. But in the inside, its a big ass no. I mean, who believes someone saying that they ever saw a snake with 23 legs in a park? Or a pink unicorn in front of their lawn eating some pink flowers?

Furthermore, they also enjoyed skinship, like leaning on each other while eating ice cream in the cinema, basically what a couple would do.

But the stupid and fustrating thing was that they still called each other 'friends'. Even the author of this book was rolling her eyes so badly.

"Bye Jeon! Thanks for everything!" Lisa said as she got out from the taxi, clutching onto the pink teddy bear he won for her at the carnival.

Jeon, "See you tomorrow at school?"

Lisa, "Yeah of course, you'll take the the bus with me, right?"

Jeon, "Mhm." And the taxi driver drove away.

"Wait, don't go yet! I forgot something!" Lisa ran after the yellow vehicle and screamed.

Jeon rolled up the windows, and when he was about to ask Lisa what she had forgotten, he felt a pair lips pressing softly on his left cheek.

Then she ran away, as fast as she could.

"You got a nice girlfriend, son." The driver snickered. Jeon was still stunned, feeling a thousand of butterflies in his stomach and blood rushing to his face.

"She's not my girlfriend."

Lisa skipped back to Mansion 69 and pressed the red button. "Peachesss, it's Lisa!" She sanged, no--- screamed on the speaker.

"Chill dude, what's gotten into you?" She heard Jinyoung's voice from the speaker.

"No reason! Just hurry up and open the damn gate! Jennie promised that there's Gamjatang today!" Lisa whimed impatiently, not long before the gigantic gates opened.

She opened the front door by dialing the password and the door automatically opened.

All the members were questioning about the toy bear in her hands but Lisa decided to ignore them, like how they ignored her during the morning.

Lisa jumped into her bed and screamed like a fangirl. Oh god was she in love??

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