Bullet XIX

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Jennie looked around her surroundings. Everything was mostly dirt and soil. She squeezed her eyes shut and let the elevator take her down lower.

The underground place was like a catacomb. It was pitch dark and the only source of light was from the torch as she continued to walk along the hallways towards the entrance door to the hideout.

The entrance door weights about the size of a car. It was made out of pure iron and steel and it also had a large symbol of the Alpha Wolves imprinted on it.

'namjoonthegreat' She dialed in the keypad.


Her hands shakily inserted the key which she received from Namjoon earlier into the keyhole, twisting it until a satisfying opening sound was heard.

A loud bong was heard from the door as it unlocked itself and creaked open loudly.

Jennie took a deep breath before walking in. The whole underground hideout was almost the size of two acres. It was extremely huge because no body uses the underground land so they could expand it as big as they want.

The floor was full of used guns and bullets were scattered everywhere.

Jennie entered the first room and saw various types of guns and knives hanging on the walls. This should be the store room, she thought.

Inside the store room, there was another door which was locked with a fingerprint lock, so she tried to scan her right thumb and it actually opened, revealing the gun training section.

Inside the store room, there was another door which was locked with a fingerprint lock, so she tried to scan her right thumb and it actually opened, revealing the gun training section

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All Jennie's memories flashed back as soon as she went in further. The taekwondo field.

There was always a black boxing board at the side of the field

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There was always a black boxing board at the side of the field. When she was younger, she rememered Chanyeol practicing boxing with his red boxing gloves.

And everytime Jennie would see him, she would turn to look away because during boxing, Chanyeol would be half-naked and only wearing a pair of boxers.

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