Bullet XVI

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Lisa's Point of View

"So, you're an Alpha Wolf?"

He smiled sheepishly. "Hehe."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

He shrugged. "You wouldn't accept a mobster as a friend."

"I just did."

"No I- ugh! You just don't get it." He turned away.

I sat on my knees and stared at the fat frogs hopping on stones as Jungkook continued to stay angry. I really wanted to laugh at how childish he acted though.

"I like you okay! I couldn't let you know the real me c-cause you'll reject me! I mean- who wants a mafia?! Or a nerd?! Why can't I be some hot ass singer who shows off his legendary abs to his fans while dancing?!"


"Please, Lisa I---"

"Kook shut up and let me talk!"


"First of all, like I said; Jeon or Jungkook, you're still the same person I know. I can still be with you unless you decide to put another gun on my forehead again. But don't you dare do that again or I'll kick your balls."

He laughed, sending chills down my spine. "Alright. But please don't tell anyone that I'm... you know..."

I smiled softly. "I won't."

I felt a soft vibrate on my jeans' pocket. "Hold on---" I got up and walked somewhere far away from Jungkook.

"It's Sunshines. This is red code. I repeat, red code."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wha---"

"Wherever you are, ditch your classes and come home right now. I repeat, right now."

"Why? What's happening?"

"All of us will be attending a tradegame tonight. I repeat, all of us will he att---."

"All of us? Why not just the A.F?"

"We'll explain once you return. I repeat, once you return."

I smiled darkly. "Its the unknown gang again right? The ones which shot Brownies on the arm."

"Yes apparently. We only have an hour to prepare so come home now. I repeat, come home NOW."

"Dude, can you stop repeating your words it's so annoyi---"


"Who's that?" Jungkook ran towards me as I grabbed my backpack lying on the grass.

"I gotta go now, things just got urgent at home." I glanced at him one more time before breaking into a sprint.

But little did Lisa knew, Jeon also received a phone call from home.

Third-Person's Point of View

"This could be our first time fighting as a family! I mean- we haven't done this for years!" Jisoo squealed.

Rose frowned. "No, its not. Jinyoung's not going."

Jisoo's beam was wiped off immediately. "Oh yeah.." She pouted at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung smiled softly. "Nah, its fine. I'm far too lazy to fight anyway." He shrugged and limped to the kitchen to get more Doritos.

Apparently, he had sprained his ankle a few days ago after attempting to try out some taekwondo skills performed by Jennie and Jaebum.

But sprain or not, it was risky for him to follow the others instead of staying in the mansion, as his job was to ensure everyone's safetly as they go out and fight.

Jinyoung was their eyes and protector, making him the most important member in the gang.

"Well, at least Mark and Jackson are finally going to hold an actual gun instead of resting their ass on the couch and watching some ulgy ass Netflix together like gays."

Jackson walked towards Rose and held his gun right below her chin. "Insult Netflix on more time. I dare you." He gritted his teeth.

"And girl, we ain't homo." Mark stared narrowly at her.

Bambam, "Come on guys, there's no time for arguements, we only have 20 minutes left. And this isn't just a plain ol' fight, we'll be fighting against the unknown gang again and this time, they brought their whole gang along, that's the reason why all of us needs to attend this game." Bambam said.

"So will you quit being immature for once?" Bambam sighed as he looked at the two members.

Rose and Jackson were sending death glares to each other, not until he pointed the gun away, giving Rose one last look before walking away.

"What's the trade by the way?" Lisa asked, dumping another one of her black machine guns into her backpack.

Jaebum, "We will be trading 11 dozens of six-shooter guns. And the unknown gang stated that they'll be trading something we always wanted, they said it's something to do with BTS."

"Eleven dozens?! That's like... 132 guns!" Lisa exclaimed. We don't even know what are they gonna trade with us. And you never know, they might be scamming us!"

"For the past 10 years in this gang, I've never agreed on a tradegame so confidently. I'd rather choose to loose a hundred and thirty-two guns than living the rest of my life without finding BTS." Jennie explained.

Everybody jogged down to the basement to prepare their departure. They all wore their leather jackets with black bandanas around their mouths.

"Yugyeom, Rose! Have you got all the guns for the trade?" Jaebum asked.

"Guns ready!" Yugyeom shouted as he and Rose carried the boxes into their lamborghini truck.

They all got into the vehicle as Jaebum started the engine. He turned on the radio which played Heathens by Twenty One Pilots.

"You sure this is the place?" Jaebum asked Jennie who was checking the GPS in her phone.

"It is, as long as its called the Yeontan Hotel." Jennie took out her chip and placed it on her ear.

"Peaches, are you with us?"

"As always. I'll be patrolling around the building and streets. Good luck, you're on your own now." Jinyoung said.

Jennie turned back to the members behind. "Here's the plan. There are exactly 10 floors in this hotel, and there's ten of us here. So you know what this means, right?"

"It means one member takes one floor, all alone."

Stay tuned~~

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