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who's role would you take among the alpha wolves? i'll prolly have the hacker's role :>

9th June, 9:13pm.

"That was a beautiful movie," Rose wiped the tears away, smiling. Yoongi snickered sarcastically. "No its not. Admit it, sis. You're just crying because of tomorrow."

"Don't be mean, Yoongi. I would've cried too, y'know?" Hoseok softly smiled at Rose.

Yoongi tsked, clearly annoyed, "Why are ya'll gettin' so emotional and shit just because of a tradegame? Let's go there, fight, win, and come home so I can continue my sleep. And the whole country will be proud of us, what's so hard about that?"

Jin sighed. "Yoongi, you can't be so sure that we are going to win this battle. We might loose---"

"Losing is never in my vocabulary, Seokjin." Yoongi said.

Jennie nodded. "I admire Min's spirit. Let's do our bests and not loose our winning streaks we've been keeping up for centuries."

She turned off the television and glanced at the man resting his head on her neck. His strong cologne filled Jennie's nose, making her feel dizzy and wanting to fall asleep too. She pulled off the bandana on his head and rested her cheek on top of his head.

"Just fucking date already." Jackson rolled his eyes.

Taehyung groaned and nuzzled closer into Jennie's neck, hugging the woman tighter than ever.

"Don't mind my brother. He's a cuddle bug especially when it comes to sleeping." Jisoo winked.

"Aww, Taehyung's such an innocent baby when he sleeps!" Lisa cooed. Jungkook scoffed, crossing his arms, "Yeah sure. But when he's awake, he's like the hyperactive demon inside this fucked-up house."

Jaebum came out of the kitchen and rested his arms on the couch. "Well, well, well, seems like our dear leader has finally found love." He looked down at Jennie and Taehyung, raising an eyebrow.

Jennie smiled widely, her cheeks tinted with faint shades of pink.

"Hey, do you guys realize that tonight might be the last time we get to converse with each other?" Bambam said, and the members hesitatingly nodded.

"Yeah, I know. So, what do you want to talk about?" Youngjae asked. Jisoo's eyes widen, "Oh! Oh! Let's talk about us dying!"

Jin coughed. "Jisoo, what the fuck---"

"No no no! It's not what ya'll are thinking. I actually meant like talking about our last words before death or like what do you wanna do before you die or something..." Jisoo sighed, "You know what? Let's just forget what I said---"

"I would want to thank my mom for raising me all these years and tell her that she'll see me soon if God ends up putting me in heaven." Yoongi said, looking down his feet.

"Before I die," Rose began. "I want to shout to Jimin that he will forever have no jams."

"For me, I will tell Lisa to take care of my B Milks under my bed." Jungkook proudly said.

"I want to go Manila and visit Catriona before I die." Taehyung mumbled out in his sleep.

Mark cleared his throat. "I would want to hack into Netflix and upload all their shows into a YouTube channel that cannot be deleted so everyone can finally watch movies for free when I'm dead." He said, and the hackers nodded in agreement.

"If we die, I will order the NCT to burn this whole mansion down so no one will know the our untold secrets or steal our cool weapons." Namjoon said.

Lisa smiled widely. "If I die, I will dump all my school books and assignments into the sea where HyungTeTe from STB threw himself into."

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