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this chappie wasn't supposed to exist and although this book genre is mainly focusing on action and thriller, it srsly lacks romance !!


7th June, 5:38pm.

"I CAN'T DO THIS." Lisa slammed her head on the table. "Please, Jin. Let us go." Jungkook begged, angry tears emerging from his eyes.

"No." Jin took another bite of his snack, not even bothered to glance at dying kids from the couch.

"Please, please, please, please, please!" Jungkook shouted. "We don't even know these damn stuff! The professors never taught us!"

Jin stood up. "You know why? It's because your stupid asses are stupid enough not to pay. Attention. To. Your. Fucking. Teachers." He pointed at them with every word he spoke.

"And you know what?" He wiped his forehead tiredly. "Why not just ask someone to help you over? In that way you'll probably understand your assignments."

Jungkook slammed his fists on the table as he watched Jin walked away. He fustratingly called out the people that he think might know the answers to their dumb homework. "TAEHYUNGG! JISOOOOO!"

"Okay so," Taehyung clicked his tongue and flipped through their notebooks. "Which topic do you want us to help with?"

"The Reproduction of Humans." Lisa replied, wiping away her remaining tears.

Jisoo and Taehyung shared an awkward laugh. "Are you serious."

"Stop being mean! Okay I know you both are the educated asses in here but you've got to help us! We don't even know what's the meaning of reproduction!"

"Oh my god, what? You don't even know the defination of reproduction?! Jungkook, do you even know how your mom and dad got you?"

"They said I was adopted from a trash can in Busan."

"Well, my dad said that I was from his balls and I don't get it." Lisa shrugged. Taehyung facepalmed himself, "Lisa have you ever seen a penis before?"

"What's a penis?"

"Okay forget that. Have you seen Bambam's thing in the middle of his legs before? That's what you call a penis." Taehyung said.

Lisa gasped. "You mean that small stick??? Oh shit yeah."

Jisoo turned to Jungkook. "And Jeon, have you seen a vagina before?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, "What the hell is a vagina---"

"Peach!! Have you seen a peach before??" Jisoo yelled out in fustration.

"Peach? You mean Jinyoung?" Jungkook spun his head to Lisa. "Jinyoung's a vagina??" He stood up and ran upstairs. "JINYOUNG I NEVER KNEW YOU'RE A VAGINA!!!"

"Get back here, you asshole!" Jisoo pulled his shirt back and threw him back on the chair.

Taehyung went to his phone and googled vagina and quickly shutted his 'innocent' eyes, "Oof, wrong word." He deleted the tab and retyped, scientific vagina.

"Here, this is a vagina." Taehyung groaned, rubbing his eyes. "And this is a penis." Jisoo also showed her phone to the stupid hoes.

"Ohhhh," The maknaes exclaimed. "You could've just said pussy and dick!"

"Wait, so you both know what are the reproductive organs of the human body?" Jisoo said, and Lisa nodded. "Yeah, it's just that we don't know the word penis and vagina."

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