Chapter 141: Two-Faced Highness

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“What?” Helian Wei Wei didn’t understand why Third Prince would suddenly use this kind of gaze to look at her.

However, she intuitively still sensed danger as she subconsciously was going to withdraw her hand.

Yet Baili Jia Jue was a step faster than she was as he pressed down on that piece of fine writing paper using his finger smeared with red ink. His fingerprint was clearly visible.

As she saw that everything had been settled, Wei Wei also immediately relaxed and got up to move about and loosen her neck muscles as she said, “I’m going to go pack up.”

It could be seen that Wei Wei was in a good mood.

Basically, her biggest problems could be considered to have been resolved.

The reason why Wei Wei thought of the marriage contract was because firstly, Third Prince was difficult to handle. If he became an ally, then matters would become much simpler. Secondly, it was because she hadn’t forgotten that this was ancient times. If by chance, Retired Emperor was displeased with her for Third Prince’s sake, and just had her married off to someone else as he pleased, she wouldn’t be able to voice a single word of protest, as that would be considered the same as disobeying an imperial edict. That’s why she had to think of a move ahead of time as a countermeasure.

Now that she’s got the contract, in the future, everything would be done according to their agreement.

Both she and Third Prince happily agreed to this contract.

Therefore, now that they had this written agreement, in the future, no matter what happened, she could still escape from the palace unscathed.

However, was it truly this way?

Wei Wei didn’t know at all that just when she entered her bedroom to pack up her things.

The man sitting on the wood chair extended his hand and brought the fine writing paper over. Within his profound eyes brewed an acute chill that seemed like it could freeze everything over and also seemed as if it could stab and skewer a person’s chest.

There wasn’t a single word among all of the words on this piece of paper that didn’t clearly say that she wanted to maintain her distance from him.


Baili Jia Jue curved his thin lips down as his slender fingers grasped the writing brush firmly and added the two words ‘can end’ under the section regarding the married couple’s obligations. After adding ‘can end’ after the words ‘not a thing’, the phrase became ‘not a thing can end’, which meant that their husband and wife relationship could never end.

Baili Jia Jue put down the writing brush and leisurely folded that piece of fine writing paper. His posture completely seemed like none of this had ever happened……

The mist outside the window already cleared up. The only thing that remained was a muddled yellow color, and that was an omen that the sun was setting.

Within the main hall at the imperial palace.

Prince Murong stood beside the window as he grabbed the black scarf covering his face and pulled down on it. His expression was gloomy as he threw it to the side. “We failed. He didn’t die. Not only that, not a single one of the secret guards that we sent out was able to return.”

“Then what should we do?” The other woman standing within the main hall suddenly looked up. The dangling pearl hair pin on her head also quivered as her head moved. “Father, we’re already running out of time. The king’s health is getting worse and worse. He’d had too much fun. Sooner or later, there’ll be a day when he’ll die on some woman’s body. Yan Er is still too young and simply doesn’t know anything. If the king passes away, based on how Retired Emperor, that old fart who refuses to die, pampers that vile spawn, this throne will be given to Baili Jia Jue for sure! I really can’t wait for that to happen!”

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