Lucy's dream mommy and daddy

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Lucy was sleeping and her dream was about two people. There was a man and a woman. The woman had curly blonde hair and sparkly grey eyes. Her eyes portrayed a warm and motherly feeling.

"Lucy, come here please." The woman called for the dream version of Lucy. The real Lucy watched this,

"Coming Mommy." Dream Lucy said and ran to the woman. A man came up to the woman and wrapped his arm around her waist. When Dream Lucy reached the couple, they hugged her for dear life.

"Mommy, Daddy, what..." Dream Lucy started.

"Lucy, you have to listen to Daddy, we have to leave and we can't take you with us. There is a chance that we won't come back. Take this, it's from Grandma and Grandpa. We love you" The man said. His hair was black and his eyes were sea green. The man pushed a barrette into her hand. The woman started to cry.

"But..." Dream Lucy started.

"Goodbye Lucy, we love you." The woman said. They kissed Dream Lucy's forehead and then ran into the mist. Dream Lucy started to cry and screamed,

"Mommy, Daddy, please come back!"

Lucy woke up after screaming the same thing her dream version screamed. Her cheeks were covered with tears and everyone was looking at her. She must have fallen asleep outside. The sun was starting to rise. Lupa walked over to Lucy and Lucy gripped Lupa's fur. Lucy wiped her eyes and blew her nose with the tissue Percy gave her Lucy looked at Percy. He looked exactly like the man in her dream. 'Daddy.' Lucy thought. 'No he's not my daddy; I don't have a daddy or mommy.'

"You OK, Lucy?" Percy asked. Lucy nodded her head.

"What was your dream about child?" Athena asked.

"I saw... it was like looking into the fut...fut..." Lucy forgot how to say the future.

"Future?" Athena asked. Lucy nodded.

"There was a man and woman and there was a future me. The future me called them Mommy and Daddy. They said that they were leaving... and that they might not come back. They said that they loved me, Kissed my forehead, gave me a hair thingy and... and ran into the mist." Lucy explained. Lucy felt like the people in her dream was really her mommy and daddy. Lucy wanted a mommy and daddy really, really badly.

"What did the man and woman look like?" Poseidon asked.

"I don't remember." Lucy lied. Athena didn't look like she believed Lucy, but Athena didn't say anything.

"Why don't you go and get ready, Lucy? We'll be leaving in a few minutes." Percy said. Lucy nodded and headed to her tent. 'Maybe he is my Daddy.' Lucy thought. 'But who is my Mommy?'

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