Parent or Parents

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A/N Sorry that it is a short chapter will try and post the next chapter tomorrow if I can. Thank you for reading and don't forget to like and review if you feel like it. 
Peace out.


Percy walked and carried Lucy. Whenever Percy looked at Lucy, he thought of Annabeth.

Whenever Lucy smiled, it looked like Annabeth's smile. Reyna came up to him.

"You know, you Greeks aren't so bad." Reyna said.

"Thanks?" Percy said.

"It was a compliment. Anyways, thanks for bringing us to your camp." Reyna said.

"No problem. I just want the demi-gods to be safe." Percy said.

"Why would that be?" Gwen asked.

"Demi-gods die to early. They never live old, never do stuff that mortals do. If I could change one thing about demigods, I would change the fact that they die so early." Percy said. The girls nodded. bobby came over.

"Are you running a babysitting service, Percy?" Bobby said pointing at the sleeping Lucy Percy was carrying.

"At least he is actually taking care of the younger kids. Unlike someone." Gwen said.

"that was one time and you know it." Bobby said.

"What happened?" Percy asked.

"One time, Bobby thought it would be a good idea to teach his little sibling, and I mean the two year olds, how to make a sword." Reyna explained.

"Dude." Percy said.

"What? I thought it would be good for them to know. They are the children of Vulcan." Bobby said.

"One of your brothers lost three fingers." Gwen yelled.

"Yeah, thanks a lot Bobby. You are a great big brother." Bobby's brother said sarcastically. That was probably the one that lost his fingers.

"I said I was sorry. Can't you give me a break, Sam?" Bobby asked.

"Nope." Sam said. Bobby rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath. percy laughed and the girls giggled. Reyna looked to the sky.

"What's wrong, Reyna?" Gwen asked.

"Nothing, just thinking about Jason." Reyna said.

"We'll find him." Percy said.

"I hope you're right." Reyna said. Lucy started to mumble,

"Mommy, Daddy, can we go swimming?"

"Lucy keeps saying Mommy and Daddy. Does that mean she has two godly parents?" Bobby asked.

"That's impossible. We've seen her blood, it's red, not gold. Maybe she's adopted by two demigods." Gwen wondered. percy had a sinking feeling that it was something more than that. 'Lucy, who is your parent or is it parents,' Percy thought, 'I'll ask Athena later, she'll probably know.' Percy walked, carrying the baby Lucy. Question is, who is Lucy the baby of?

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