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'Pick a King. That's hard. Who could he be?' Athena thought. Once everyone left, Athena dreamed, still thinking.

Her dream wasn't normal. Usually, the Gods' dreams are just two seconds, everything in black dream. But this one wasn't.

Athena sat on her throne in Olympus, her laptop on her lap and her head in her hand. Athena was thinking hard as she was reading the snow increase.

"I see." Athena muttered. Athena was dressed in a silver goddess dress and on her head was her crown. Athena's throne was where Hera's should be. Athena looked down at her wedding band.

"Ah, why isn't he here yet?" Athena asked herself. Athena looked like she was waiting a really long time. Then a little girl came running up to the throne.

"Mommy." The girl squealed. Athena looked down at the girl and smiled. The girl's hair was black and braided while her eyes were stormy gray. The girl was wearing a silver tutu and ballet shoes over her pale skin.

"Yes, Olive?" Athena asked as she got off her throne and became an average human woman's height.

"Lookie, I learned a new move." The two year old did a Susu. Athena clapped and picked up the girl.

"That was very good, Olive." Athena said as Olive place her head on the crook of Athena's neck.

"Mommy, when's Daddy coming home?" Olive asked. Athena frowned but quickly turned it into a smile so her daughter didn't notice.

"Really soon. He promised." Athena said. Olive smiled and nodded.

"When are we going to see Annabeth, Percy and Lucy?" Olive asked.

"When Daddy comes back. We just have to wait, ok Olive Oil?" Athena asked.

"Ok Mommy. I'm going to find Aunt Aphrodite; she said she wanted to dress me up. I think." Olive said and jumped out of her mother's arms. Athena waved as her daughter ran through the new Olympus. Athena was proud of Annabeth for these beautiful designs and that her and Percy were together with Lucy. 'Two days and we'll all be at camp.' Athena thought. 'Maybe I should go to the spa or something.' Then a voice whispered into her ear,

"I'm back." Athena turned around and smiled.

Athena woke up from her dream and sat up. Her stomach still ached with pain but not as bad as before. 'That dream. It showed me, the King. It's... No he can't be. He's still married to her.' Athena thought. Then Athena remembered Olive. 'Such a cute girl, little Olive Oil.' Athena laid back down, her heart and stomach aching. 'How can I tell him and everyone else? When the time is right.' Athena decided. 'When the time is right. But when is it right?'

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