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Annabeth was happy for the first time in seven days. He was back, Percy was back. And he tells her that he loves her. Of course Annabeth loves him but she was a little surprised that he said it the minute he got back here. Everyone was giving Percy pats on the back, but Percy kept his arm around Annabeth, as if he didn't want to let her go. Annabeth didn't mind one bit.

"Sorry for making you guys worry. I brought you guys something." Percy said and flicked his right wrist. The water in the beach formed a huge, and Annabeth means huge, arch. Walking out were, the Olympians, Hades, Hestia, and Persephone. Zeus and Hera were the only Olympians not at camp. Behind the gods were demigods, wearing purple shirts that read Camp Rome. A giant wolf stood in front of demigods. Annabeth mouth was dropped opened, along with the other campers. Percy laughed and pulled her closer to himself.

"Everyone, I would like you guys to meet the Children of Rome. And this is Lupa, their trainer." Percy announced.

"Percy did you..." Chiron started.

"Yeah, I brought them here, but I had a lot of help from the gods. Thanks." Percy said. The gods nodded.

"Well, we should let you all get to know each and tomorrow we'll have a war meeting." Aphrodite said. The roman campers went with their Greek siblings until a girl with brown hair and brown eyes squealed,

"Jason." The girl was hugging Jason and kissed him. Annabeth knew this was a problem.

"Poor Piper." Annabeth said. Piper ran to her cabin, tears in her eyes.

"Who's, oh her." Percy said, pointing at Piper. She nodded. Jason looked dazed and wasn't moving, than he ran to the Zeus cabin. It didn't help that Reyna followed. Then a little girl that Annabeth knew too well came up to them.

"Are you Annabeth?" The girl asked.

"Yep, that's me. Who are you?" Annabeth asked, smiling at the girl. She looked exactly like the girl in Annabeth's dream, expect her eyes were brown. Annabeth was smiling because the girl was too cute not to smile at.

"I'm Lucy." Lucy said. Around Lucy's neck was Annabeth's lost locket.

"Nice to meet you, Lucy." Annabeth said and picked Lucy up. She didn't know why she did it, but it felt right. Lucy didn't abject; in fact, she snuggled closer into Annabeth's arms. With Percy's arm around her waist and Lucy in her arms, Annabeth felt at home. Then they all started to walk to the Poseidon cabin. Halfway there, Athena wanted to talk to Annabeth.

"Come to the cabin when you're done." Percy said and took Lucy out of her arms. When they were faraway enough so they couldn't hear anything, Athena started talking.

"Annabeth, pack your bags. You're leaving..." Athena started.

"What? I don't want to leave. I just got Percy back. I..." Annabeth begged.

"Let me finish. You're leaving the Athena cabin and moving into the Poseidon cabin." Athena explained. Annabeth was shocked.

"Don't worry, Chiron and Poseidon know and they approve and I do too. So just go pack and I'll explain everything to your siblings." Athena said.

"Thanks Mom." Annabeth said and sprinted to the Athena cabin. Her siblings weren't there, so Annabeth packed everything she had and bolted to the Poseidon cabin. When she opened the door, Annabeth saw Lucy asleep on Percy lap.

"Hey." Annabeth said. Percy smiled and laid Lucy down on his bunk. Annabeth noticed a crib in the corner.

"Hey." Percy said and put Annabeth's bag on the dresser.

"What are you..."

"Dad told me. He also said that Lucy would like it better if she stayed here. Anyway, welcome to the Poseidon cabin." Percy said and kissed Annabeth's nose. 'I'm home.' Annabeth thought.

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