Marked and warned

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The true queen, this made Athena more puzzled than usual. 'Who is she?' Athena wondered. She couldn't sleep, so Athena went for a walk. She reached the beach and saw someone was there. 'Poseidon, what is he doing out here?' Athena mentally asked. When she reached him, she asked,

"What are you doing out here?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Well, I was wondering who the true queen is." Poseidon said, keeping his eyes on the ocean.

"Same. Who could she be?" Athena wondered out loud.

"Let's hope she's isn't like Hera." Poseidon said.

"Why would that be, Poseidon?" Athena asked.

"Well, my sister isn't smart. You would make a better queen." Poseidon said. Athena could feel the blush in her cheeks. Lucky for her, Poseidon was still looking at the sea.

"Really?" Athena said cool and collected.

"You think things through. Compared to Hera, you'll think of all the possibilities and you know which one is the right choice. That's why you would be a better queen, Athena." Poseidon explained and smiled at her. Athena thanked Rhea it was dark out, because she was blushing scarlet.

"Well, I'm going to call it a day. Are you coming?" Poseidon asked as he passed her.

"No, I'll be out here thinking." Athena said. Poseidon laughed.

"You're always thinking, Athena." Poseidon said and left. Athena sighed and kept walking.

'Why am I feeling this way? Oh no, I'm in love.' Athena thought. 'No.' Athena kept walking until she saw a woman. Amphitrite.

"Athena, stay away from my husband." Amphitrite said.

"What are you talking about?" Athena asked.

"Don't be stupid, he's flirting with you. Stay away or else." Amphitrite threatened.

"Or else what? Do you think it's smart to threaten me, the goddess of wisdom?" Athena asked.

"If you hurt me, Poseidon will leave your little alliance. He'll hate you and I can make him believe that you hurt me. Stay away or else." Amphitrite warned and left in the tide. Athena left for bed, knowing that Amphitrite was right.

When Athena entered her room, she raised her hair up and saw that thing on the back of her neck. It was like a tattoo. It was a multi-colored mark that she had since birth. It seemed to be the mark of a crown, or something. Athena never knew what it meant, and she still doesn't. Or does she?

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