Preparing for death

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Traveling through the portal was not fun. It felt like Percy was getting pulled apart. Of course, that didn't happen, but it didn't feel good. Soon, Percy landed on cold marble, with Annabeth landing on his chest, giving her a softer landing. 'Lucky Annabeth.' Percy thought as he groaned. Annabeth got off him and helped him up. Percy brushed himself off when he noticed the real Olympus.

"My Gods." Annabeth mumbled. Everyone gasped as they stared at the first home of the gods. Twelve thrones, each with different designs. Polished marble filled the room along with gold. Statues were surrounding every single corner, but the statues were of Zeus and Hera. A grand hearth was in the middle of the thrones. The throne that was in the middle of the U of thrones was Zeus'.

"Home sweet home." Poseidon mumbled. Zeus laughed and said,

"Looks like Olympus knows her real King." Rhea laughed and said,

"Look again, Zeus." Everyone stared as thrones rearranged themselves, by themselves. Poseidon's throne was where Zeus throne was and Athena was where Hera was. Then new thrones came out, ones for the minor gods, and Hestia, Hades, and Persephone. The statues change, but only two was for Poseidon and Athena. The rest of the statues were statues of the other gods. If possible, the room looked even more beautiful than before. The gods sat in their thrones.

"That's better." Rhea said. She, the Queen of the Titans, was standing with the demi-gods.

"Mother, take a seat." Demeter said. Rhea shook her head and said,

"Later, when we finish fighting. I have a feeling the giants are going to attack very soon." That was when an owl flowed right into the throne room and landed on Athena's hand. Athena gasped as it said something in its native tongue.

"They're coming, now. They're at the base on the mountain. All the giants and thousands of earth bonds and monsters. We have to hurry. Hypnos, wake up and go into your roman form." Athena ordered. Hypnos changed into Somnus and woke up, grabbing his weapon.

"Now that we know that he won't fall asleep..." Athena started.

"I don't know about that." Ares interrupted. Athena glared at him and continued,

"We must leave. We'll be fighting the giants that were made to oppose us. Only with the help of our children are we able to defeat them."

"This is a great battle. Those of you who fought in the titan war know about fighting. Fight and retreat when you have to. Apollo, take two of your children with you while the rest stay here. We'll need them for healing." Poseidon ordered and Apollo nodded though his children went with him anyway.

"This is not only a war to protect to protect our seat of power. But to protect all living beings. Fight as much as you can and retreat when needed." Poseidon said and took his trident in hand.

"FOR OLYMPUS!" He bellowed as he thrusted his trident in the air. Everyone yelled the same response. 'Show time.' Percy thought and looked at Annabeth. She smiled at him and her eyes said, 'I love you. Please be careful.' Percy gave her the same look and Annabeth nodded. That was when a huge bolder hit the palace.

"COME OUT GODS! ARE YOU SCARED? THEN WE'LL TAKE IT FROM YOU!" A giant yelled. The gods got off their thrones and they ran to the doors with their children. The doors opened and Ares yelled,

"You wish." The giants were standing in front of the monsters, flanked by Amphitrite and Lycaon. Lupa growled and turned into a wolf. Lycaon did the same thing while Amphitrite pulled out her River Styx sword. Artemis and her hunters pulled out their silver bows and arrows. Percy pulled out Riptide as Annabeth pulled out her dagger and video shield. Leo pulled out a huge hammer while Jason pulled out his gladius. The other demi-gods and gods did the same. Percy helped Poseidon remove all the solid molecules out of the ice swords, meaning one less problem to worry about. The enemy smirked and laughed while Percy thought, 'Man, they don't know that they're going to lose.' Gaea's army charged and Percy's demi-god army followed with their parents behind them. 'This isn't just a normal war for me. I have to protect Annabeth. I have to because I need her and we need to see our daughter again.' Percy thought and decided while he took on his first monster.

Percy slashed, lunged and stabbed his way through monsters and earth bounds. Artemis had already finished off Lycaon's wolfs with her silver arrows. Lupa was fighting Lycaon and it was insane. Lycaon kept chanting that Lupa should join him, be his queen of wolfs and blah, blah, blah. Lupa growled and yelled no as she went on the offensive again. Percy continued fighting and protected Annabeth from some clubs.

"Thanks." Annabeth said as she kicked a Cyclops in the eye.

"No problem." Percy answered as he stabbed another monster.

"Percy, Poseidon, now." Athena yelled while she took on Pallas, the giant, again. Annabeth helped her as Percy and Poseidon caused all the River Styx ice swords to melt. Gaea's army froze, all of them staring at the silver puddle that surrounded them. Percy's side took the pause from Gaea's army and attacked. In that one minute of fighting, only the giants, Amphitrite, and Lycaon were left standing. The giants turned to Amphitrite and Porphyrion yelled,

"Good job, Amphitrite. Fixe this mess."

"Ugh, don't get your panties in a twist." Amphitrite said. She swirled her hand. The water started to moved but stop a second later. She tried again. Then again. Amphitrite started hyperventilating. Giants of Gaea were so mad that they yelled,

"You D-list naiad." Enceladus picked her up and said,

"Let's eat her; she'll be the first sacrifice to Gaea." The giants nodded as Enceladus ate the screaming ex-queen of the sea. That was when everyone charged.

Minutes passed when Annabeth screamed,

"A Scythian dracanae. She's heading for the palace."

"Percy, Annabeth, go. We'll cover for you." Poseidon ordered as Poseidon and Athena blocked another attack. Percy and Annabeth bolted to the palace. When they stepped inside, after five minutes of running, they couldn't find her.

"Where is she?" Annabeth asked. That's when Percy heard a hiss and saw the dracanae charge at Annabeth her sword out, ready to kill. Percy pushed Annabeth out of the way and the sword went through Percy's Achilles spot. Annabeth scream and cried as she killed the dracanae. 'Annabeth.' Percy thought as he fell to the ground, a sword sticking out of his lower back and Annabeth trying to catch him. Percy landed on the polish marble, preparing for his death.

A/N How did you like the cliffhanger? I know, a bit mean but what can I say it's good enough. 'shrugs' 

Anyways, I've looked over this entire book and not gonna lie I kinda hate the way I wrote this. I'm thinking after I finish this book I might take a break and try and go for an AU of Percy or something. 

What would you guys say to that? leave it in the comments if you think I should give it a go.

Important topic of the day. How is everyone feeling about the current epidemic known as the coronavirus? Not gonna lie but very little of my life has changed apart from not attending lectures for university and constant dread for exams building up. 

Hopefully you are all safe and well, will see you for the next chapter.


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