He awakens

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She was in Poseidon's sick room. It's midnight, but Athena was still awake. Poseidon's breathing mask was filled with water, so Poseidon could breathe right. 'This has been one crazy day.' Athena thought.

"So, how's your husband?" A voice said behind Athena. Athena turned around to see Aphrodite in her pink robe and Proactive face mask.

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Athena asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Anywho, how is he?" Aphrodite asked.

"Still hasn't changed." Athena said, sadly.

"You do know that he's your husband now?" Aphrodite asked.

"I know." Athena said.

"Are you happy?" Aphrodite asked.

"That I have a husband, yes. That he got hurt because of me, no." Athena said. 'It's my fault Poseidon's like this.'

"Athena, it's not your fault. He protected you because..." Aphrodite started.

"Of his strong loyalty, that's why." Athena said.

"For once, wrong, it was out of love." Aphrodite said. Athena smiled and said,

"Now I know how Annabeth feels about Percy."

"Finally. Now get some sleep, you have bags under your eyes." Aphrodite smiled and left.

'Sleep isn't a bad idea.' Athena thought. Athena put her crown on the night table and laid her head down on the bed, even though she was still in the chair.

It was still dark out when Athena woke up again. She looked up and found Poseidon awake and shaking her.

"You're up." Poseidon whispered. Athena crushed him in a hug, until she felt Poseidon wince.

"Sorry." Athena said.

"It's fine, just hurts a bit." Poseidon said.

"You're a terrible liar." Athena said, seeing him wince some more.

"Fine, it hurts a lot. Happy?"

"No, you got hurt because of me." Athena said and looked away.

"Athena." Poseidon said.

"What?" Athena whispered, trying to stop herself from crying again. 'Thanks a lot, Aphrodite.' Athena thought. 'Trust me, you'll thank me later.' Aphrodite answered back into Athena's head.

"It's not your fault." Poseidon said.

"Yes it is. If I was more careful, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt." Athena explained.

"No one saw that move coming, not even you. And I had to protect you." Poseidon explained.

"You don't have to protect me." Athena said.

"You're the Queen." Poseidon said, pointing at her crown.

"And you're the King. The more important one. I'm just the useless Queen. The other Hera." Athena said.

"You're nothing like Hera. You protected your family and you're definitely smarter than her. You should be that goddess of family after what you've been doing." Poseidon said. Athena smiled and said,

"I guess you're right."

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Poseidon asked, holding his hand to his ear to hear her better.

"I said, I guess you're right. Make me repeat it again and you're going to stay in here for awhile." Athena warned, laughing. Poseidon laughed too and pulled her down on the bed next to him. Athena blushed madly and asked.

"What are..."

"You need to sleep. You have more bags under your eyes than Horus." Poseidon ordered. 'Don't have to worry about that.' Athena thought as she lightly placed her head on the crook of his neck. Poseidon winced, but didn't shake her off. Athena slept, thanking Aphrodite.

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