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A/N So hey guys I've noticed some of you might be ghost readers, which I do love but would love for you guys to leave a review or just chat about something. It woudl be great to chat with you guys and also talk about what you like and dont like. Thanks again for everyone's support in this wish you luck and enjoy.


Annabeth searched what seemed to be the whole east coast. Nothing. That word haunted Annabeth. Not a single sign of Percy. Annabeth came back to camp, ready to cry. 'No one can see me cry, no one but him.' Percy was really the only one that Annabeth lets see her tears. When Annabeth returned to camp, not even Grover and the nature spirits could find him. Everyone took pity on the daughter of Athena. 'For once in your lives, leave me alone.' Annabeth thought.

Later that night, Annabeth couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed a blanket and her magic cap and went to the beach. Her cap on her head, Annabeth walked to the beach. As Annabeth walked, she cried. At the beach, she breathed in the sea breeze. It reminded Annabeth of the sea and of Percy. Percy, his name always made her smile but it was also making her sad right now. Annabeth dropped to her knees, sobbing.

"Why?" She screamed at the sea. "Why did you have to leave? Why didn't you take me with you? You know I would have gone anywhere with you. So why didn't you take me with you?" Annabeth screamed, knowing that no one could hear her. Annabeth looked up at the sky.

"Whatever I or Percy did to disrespect any of you, I'm sorry. I'll do anything, bring him back to me. Gods please, I beg of you, give Percy back." Annabeth screamed. Nothing happened. Annabeth was tired and got up. She didn't walk back to her cabin; she walked to the Poseidon cabin. Annabeth opened the door and walked into the cabin. Annabeth locked the door. She climbed into Percy's bunk. Annabeth looked at the picture on his nightstand. The picture of him and her after their underwater kiss. Annabeth smiled at that memory.

Underwater, Percy formed the bubble so Annabeth could breathe. Annabeth took a deep breath and Percy crushed his lips onto her lips. Annabeth was smiling while she kissed him and pulled him closer. Her arms snaked around his neck while Percy lowered his arms to her thin waist. They kissed of what could have been forever. Percy sat down on the bubble while Annabeth on his lap.

"Annabeth, I've never got to finish my story with the River styx." Percy said.

"Then continue." Annabeth said.

"The thing that kept me mortal was..." Percy took a big gulp. "Was you Annabeth, you're the one that saved me." Percy said. Annabeth stared at him and then tackled him with a big kiss.

"What was that for?" Percy asked when they came up for air.

"Because you didn't die in the Styx and that you never left me." Annabeth said.

"I will never leave you of my own free will. I promise. " Percy said and kissed Annabeth one more time.

Annabeth smiled at that memory, knowing that Percy would come back.

"I love you, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth whispered. Annabeth went to sleep, dreaming of her love.

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