Nico Drops in

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After waking up Lucy and having breakfast, the Roman Campers were off again. Lucy was on Mrs. O' Leary back when Mrs. O' Leary stopped.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked. Mrs. O' Leary sniffed the ground and pointed north. Then out of nowhere, Nico came out of his shadow travel. Well, Nico was tripped by some kid so he did a somersault and landed on his head.

"Ow." Nico complained.

"Nico, what are you doing here?" Percy asked and said to the Roman Campers,

"Stand down, he is my cousin, Nico Di Angelo. Son of Hades."

"Hey, now can someone tell me what is going on?" Nico said. Percy did a quick run through of what is going on.

"Let me get this straight, you were sent here from Hera to bring these guys to camp, and the gods are helping you?" Nico asked.

"Yep." Everyone said.

"You do know that Annabeth is going to kill you." Nico said.

"I know, how mad is she?" Percy asked.

"Let's just say, don't be surprised if you visit the Underworld again." Nico said. Percy gulped.

"Well, I'm guessing you guys aren't going to let me go back to camp to tell everyone?" Nico asked.

"Yes Nico, this mission is too important for even Chiron to know about." Hestia said.

"I hope you guys have another tent, because I'm staying." Nico said. While walking, Percy asked,

"Who else is searching for me?"

"Everyone in camp. Grover, Connor, Katie, the Hunters, the Pegasus, so yeah that's everyone. I'm guessing it was a lie when Tyson said he was looking for you." Nico said.

"Yes, I thought it would be best if only Tyson knew." Poseidon said. Lucy was still on Mrs. O' Leary when Nico noticed her.

"Hey, I'm Nico. Who are you?" Nico asked.

"I'm Lucy." Lucy said. Reyna, Gwen, Bobby, and Dakota walked up to them.

"Nico meet Reyna daughter of Mars, Gwen daughter of Minerva, Bobby son of Vulcan and Dakota daughter of Apollo." Percy said.

"Hey." They said.

"Nice to meet you guys. So what are you the daughter of, Lucy?" Nico asked.

"I don't have a parent, yet." Lucy said. Nico nodded and the group kept walking.

Sunset and everyone was setting up camp. Nico was going to be staying in the Mercury tent. Lucy didn't want to stay in the Mercury tent, so she was staying with Percy. It was the full moon tonight so Lupa howled.

"Lupa, we're trying to sleep." The Venus girls said, wearing those Proactive acne mask.

"Sorry, go back to sleep, children." Lupa said. The camp was on the base of the Missouri River in Iowa. Percy fell asleep and his dream was about Annabeth.

Annabeth was on the beach at camp, her blanket around her. She was sobbing.

"Why?" She screamed at the sea. "Why did you have to leave? Why didn't you take me with you? You know I would have gone anywhere with you. So why didn't you take me with you?" Annabeth screamed. Annabeth looked up at the sky.

"Whatever I or Percy did to disrespect any of you, I'm sorry. I'll do anything, bring him back to me. Gods please, I beg of you, give Percy back." Annabeth screamed.

Percy woke up in cold sweat. 'What have I done? I'm a monster. This is the last thing I wanted. Annabeth I'm so sorry. I'll be back, I swear on the River Styx.' Percy looked around to find that Lucy wasn't in her sleeping bag. Percy went outside to find Lucy on the bank of the river. Percy walked over to her and tapped her shoulder.

"What are you doing here, Lucy?" Percy asked.

"Mommy and Daddy, they haunt my dreams. I don't know them, yet I know them. I sound silly." Lucy said.

"No you don't. The thing about being a demi-god is that life is always crazy. Lucy, I was the kid in the last great prophecy." Percy said

"Really?" Lucy asked.

"Yep, trust me, everything is crazy when you're a demigod, so you just have to wait and see." Percy said.

"I'll find my Mommy and Daddy." Lucy said. Percy picked her up, tucked her in and fell asleep.

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