Oh Enter Any Curse Here

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The next morning, Annabeth heard knocking at the door. Annabeth groaned and put on her robe. Percy was still asleep when she opened the door. She found her daughter standing in front of her. Poseidon was next to her, half asleep.

"What happened?" Annabeth yawned.

"This one knocked at the door to see Athena at six in the morning." Poseidon explained, pointing at Lucy.

"Sorry, Lucy, go watch some TV, but don't wake up Daddy." Annabeth ordered.

"Too late." Percy said as he picked up Lucy and brought her to the bed. Annabeth turned to Poseidon and asked,

"How is she?"

"Better, her head still hurts and she's dizzy. Other than that, she's feeling great." Poseidon explained. Annabeth let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, I'm going back to bed." Poseidon said and left. Annabeth closed the door and went to her bed. Lucy had her eyes locked with Max and Ruby on the TV.

"Lucy." Annabeth called as she climbed into bed with Percy. Lucy turned and climbed into bed with them.

"Yes Mommy?" Lucy asked.

"Lucy, I said you could see Grandma when we wake up." Annabeth said.

"I'm sorry, I thought you meant when I woke up." Lucy apologized.

"It's ok, kiddo. Next time, wait for Mommy and Daddy." Percy said. Lucy nodded and said.

"Ok. Can we see Grandma now?" They laughed.

"Wait until breakfast." Annabeth said. Lucy nodded and continued watching TV.

At breakfast, Athena wasn't there. 'Her head is still hurting.' Annabeth thought. They ate until they were done and Lucy dragged Annabeth and Percy to Poseidon and Athena's room.

"She's really hyper." Percy said. Annabeth laughed,

"I wonder where she got that from." Percy laughed. Lucy knocked on the door and there was a faint,

"Come in. The door opened." Annabeth opened the door to find her mother lying in bed, a bag of ice on her head. Lucy ran up to her and was about to jump on her, but stopped. Lucy gave Athena a gentle hug.

"How are you, Mom?" Annabeth asked.

"Better. Head still hurts, but I'll live." Athena said, laughing.

"That's good. You scared us back there." Percy said.

"Really?" Athena asked.

"Yeah, we were wondering if you were going to become Métis." Annabeth confessed.

"Sorry about that. Well, I'm going to sit up." Athena said and sat up slowly. Athena winced.

"Mom, are you sure you're okay?" Annabeth asked. Athena smiled and said,

"I'm going to be fine. Just a little headache. I'll be fine." Annabeth did have to admit, Athena didn't look so bad. Her color was back and she didn't look sick. Athena got out of bed, very slowly. Athena stood up and didn't wince or fall down. A great start.

"See? All better." Athena said. Athena was about to reach for her spear when Percy took it away.

"Hey." Athena said.

"If you're planning to train, I really don't think that's a good idea." Percy said. Athena held out her hand and ordered, while glaring,

"Give it back." Percy tossed it towards her. Athena caught it with one hand as she picked up Lucy.

"Okay, let's go." Athena said as she strapped her spear to her back. They walked to the training room and started training. The naiads watched in amazement when Athena beat ten naiads, at once.

"Next." Athena called. 'Don't push it, Mom.' Annabeth prayed. 'Don't worry, Honey. I'm having fun.' Athena thought back. 'Oh Mom.' Annabeth sighed and held Lucy close.

"Mommy, is Grandma going to be okay?" Lucy asked.

"Who knows? I think she should tone it down a little." Annabeth said.

"What happens if Grandpa finds out she was training again?" Lucy asked.

"[Enter any curse here.]" Annabeth cursed.

"Oh, you said a bad word." Lucy teased.

"I know, just never repeat, ever." Annabeth ordered.

"Ok, Mommy." Lucy promised. 'If Poseidon finds out Mom was training, Percy and I are dead.' Annabeth thought. 'Stop worrying, Annabeth. I'll explain everything to him.' Athena thought to her. Annabeth sighed again and decided to train herself.

"Lucy, stay on the bench and watch Grandma, very carefully. If she seems really tired, get me." Annabeth ordered.

"Okay, Mommy. I'll watch Grandma." Lucy said. Annabeth started to train with Clarisse.

"Did Percy?" Clarisse asked.

"Did Percy what?" Annabeth asked, confused.

"Propose to you yet?" Clarisse asked. Annabeth blocked Clarisse's attack and said,

"Not yet. Why is everyone asking that question?"

"You're his girlfriend, the mother of his kid, dude, he has to propose to you soon." Clarisse explained.

"I don't know, Clarisse."

"Annabeth, he loves you, right?"


"Well, if he loves you and you're definitely in love with him, then why not marry him? You two are already joined to the hip, Annabeth." Clarisse explained.

"One, he has to propose to me. Two, we have to fight a war that we might not win. It's better to wait. And yes, I do want to marry Percy but you know I'm right that we have to win the war before we can do anything." Annabeth explained.

"I see your point. But still, marrying him would make your life complete." Clarisse pointed out.

"I'll wait until he pops the question. Until then, yield." Annabeth said as she pointed her sword at Clarisse's neck. They laughed and Lucy ran up to them.

"Mommy, Grandma needs help." Lucy panted. Annabeth and Clarisse followed Lucy to the mob around a bench. The naiads were wondering what happened. Annabeth pushed her way to the front of the group and saw her mother extremely pale, holding her head.

"Mom, what's happen?" Annabeth asked.

"Nothing, just my head hurts again." Athena mumbled. Carol was kneeling on the ground, sweating bullets.

"My apologizes, My Lady. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to hit you so hard in the head. My spear..." Carol started.

"It's not your fault, Carol. I just need some ice and water." Athena whispered. Carol and the naiads nodded and rushed to get Athena what she needed.

"Mom, I told you not to push yourself." Annabeth said.

"I know. Carol, when I feel better, I want a rematch." Athena called.

"Of course, My Queen. Here you go." Carol said and handed the stuff Athena requested. Athena placed the ice on her head and started relaxing.

"Thank you, Carol. You may go." Athena said. Carol bowed and left.

"Mom, let's get you to your room." Annabeth said. Athena nodded and stood up. She started to sway a little but stopped when Annabeth let her mother limp on her.

"Let's get you to your room, really quick." Annabeth said. Athena nodded and Annabeth dragged her mother to her room. They made it to the room with only a few stares and no sign of Percy or Poseidon. Annabeth opened the door and she and Athena said,

"Oh [Enter any curse here.]" Standing in the room was Poseidon and Percy, and they looked ticked.

"Oh, you said a bad word." Lucy mumbled. Annabeth dragged Athena into a chair, she and Percy took Lucy and left, so Poseidon could talk with her mother.

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