It's true

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'The palace is beautiful, simply amazing.' Athena thought. 'Annabeth is definitely an amazing architect.' Athena looked around the palace. The colors of the wall made you feel calm. The view was wonderful, seeing the beauty of the underwater sea. Naiads ran pass Athena, some carrying food and water, while others were carrying cleaning supplies. Animals swam passed her and some bowed. 'Why are they, oh yeah, my crown.' Athena thought. A naiad walked up to her and knelt.

"My Lady, there's a request to see you." The naiad said.

"From who?" Athena asked.

"Lord Poseidon." The naiad said.

"Well, could you show me where he is? I don't know my way around the palace." Athena asked.

"Of course, My Lady. This way." The naiad said and bowed. Athena followed her. The naiad opened the door and closed it when Athena walked into the throne room. Poseidon was on his throne, playing with some water. Poseidon looked up and smiled at her.

"There you are. I thought you got lost." Poseidon teased. Athena huffed and said,

"I was looking around. Admiring my daughter's designs."

"Yes, Annabeth did a wonderful job. Well, there are some things I need to ask you." Poseidon said. Athena nodded.

"Well, you are the Queen of the Seas know. You are also the head of the Naiads." Poseidon said.

"Pardon?" Athena asked.

"Come sit." Poseidon said, gesturing to the throne next to him. 'The Queen's throne.' Annabeth thought. She sat down in the throne and Poseidon said,

"You see, after Amphitrite became Queen, I had her be the head of the Naiads. She would control all the naiads' problems. But I learned after a thousand years that she was, causing the problems. She would harm naiads for the little things, being a minute late, spilling food, missing spots while cleaning. So, I got rid of the title from Amphitrite. And now, I'm giving it to you." Athena was puzzled. 'He trusts me to do better than Amphitrite.' Athena thought.

"Thank you, but..." Athena trailed off.

"But what, Athena?" Poseidon asked.

"How do you know that I can do better than..." Athena started.

"Because you're better than Amphitrite. I trust that you can make the right decision." Poseidon said and smiled. Athena blushed and said,

"Well, I'll do it."

"Thank you. Now let's go, dinner is soon." Poseidon said and stood. Athena nodded and followed him to the dining hall.

Dinner was soon over. Everyone went to their rooms and Athena noticed, she didn't have a room. Athena was sitting on the fountain when Poseidon walked up to her.

"Athena, what are you doing here?" Poseidon asked when he reached her.

"I... I don't have a room." She confessed. Poseidon laughed and took her hand.

"Come with me." Athena stood and followed him as he tugged her hand. Soon they reached a room in a different wing then were everyone else where staying. Poseidon opened the door and Athena's mouth dropped open a little.

"This is your room." Poseidon said. Athena walked in. Her bed was grand, a king size at least. The room calmed you. There was a fountain in the corner. Her room had a little pool for two or three people. There were bookcases filled with books. The furniture in her room was made of redwood. The room was perfect, better than her home in Olympus. She looked around and noticed the closet. 'Should I dare open it?' Athena thought.

"I'll warn you, Aphrodite filled it with clothes." Poseidon warned. Athena sighed and opened it. Sure enough, it was filled with clothes. Dresses, jeans, blouses, skirts, business pants, and shoes. There were also men clothes. 'I should have seen that coming.' Athena thought. She glanced at her ring. 'Well, I am his wife.' Athena thought.

"Yeah, this also my room. If you want, I'll stay in another..." Poseidon started.

"No, it's fine. I'm going to change." Athena said and closed the doors in the walk in closet. Athena searched through the racks, looking for a reasonable nightgown. She finally found one. It was light silver and in went to her ankles. It was long sleeves and had a little v-neck. 'Good enough.' Athena thought as she changed. It fit her perfectly and hit all of her curves perfectly. She looked skinny and wasn't showing too much skin. She opened the door to find Poseidon already snoring in bed. 'How do men do that?' Athena thought. She climbed into the bed and closed her eyes. She felt Poseidon shift and wrap his arm around her waist. Her eyes shot open. Poseidon had one eye open.

"You tricked me. I thought you were asleep." Athena growled. Poseidon laughed and said,

"Night." Athena huffed,

"Night." And closed her eyes again as she placed her head on his shoulder. Soon she was asleep, but she did hear Poseidon whisper,

"Queen of the Sea." 'Well, it's true.' Athena thought.

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