Lucy's locket

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A/N Sorry about not posting on Friday but was busy with other things during that day. hope you enjoy this chapter and peace out.


Percy walked with the group as they made it through the forest. Athena said that they reached Utah already. According to Athena, since gods were with the demi-gods, they travel twice as fast. Lucy was getting tired.

"You ok, kiddo?" percy asked

"I'm tired." Lucy answered.

"Want me to carry you?" Percy asked. Lucy nodded. Percy picked her up and put her on his shoulders. Within five minutes, Lucy was asleep on Percy's shoulders. 'She really was tired.' Percy thought.

"She seems to like you." Lupa said when she walked next to Percy.

"I feel bad for her, she's only two and she knows about demi-gods and monsters." Percy said.

"She was a strange one." Lupa said.

"How so?" Percy asked.

"Usually, a mortal mother or father of a demi-god would bring me their child when they turned two, but that didn't happen with Lucy. I went to the Wolf House, a place where I go to pick up demi-gods. I entered the room and there was a newborn baby girl crying . There was no note, just a locket that had her name engraved in it. I turned into my human looking form so I could carry her without hurting he child. The strange thing though is that no one could read what the locket said but me. It was engraved in Ancient Greek." Lupa explained.

"Oh, so you think she's Greek?" Percy asked.

"It is possible. Over the years, I grew softer and I didn't want the baby to die because she might be Greek, so I never told my campers. i decided to make her call me Lupa instead of Mommy, like most of the two year olds. I taught her Greek and Latin. Lucy can speak them both perfectly , and Lucy always liked the water. I still don't know who her godly parent is. She smells like a demigod. I just hope someone claims her soon." Lupa explained.

"I agree." percy said. Lucy's locket fell in front of Percy's face. percy's eyes widened. On the locket was a cameo of Athena on it. Percy knew this because this was the same locket Percy gave Annabeth when she turned fifteen. Percy had Beckendorf make it so no one else could have it. Annabeth lost it one day and she never found it. 'How could Lucy have Annabeth's locket? What could this mean?' Percy thought. Percy flipped the locked over and there engraved in Ancient Greek was Lucille. Percy let go of the locket as it hanged on Lucy's neck.

"You let her keep the locket?" Percy asked.

"It seemed only right. It's her only connection to her parent." Lupa said. Percy had a sinking feeling that Lucy might have more than one parent. Then there was a growl in the forest.

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