Thank the fates

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'What am I doing?" Athena mentally asked as she kissed Poseidon. Athena knew that she should stop, but to tell you the truth, she didn't want to. Poseidon was blushing almost as madly as Athena. Athena couldn't feel him move until she felt his arms wrap around her waist, pulling her closer. Athena didn't object, she just wrapped her arms around his neck. 'This is nuts.' Athena thought. They finally broke away for air.

"What, just, happened?" Athena panted.

"You tell me. You're the one who kissed me." Poseidon said. Athena blushed again.

"Well, I... I'm sorry." Athena apologized.

"Don't be." Poseidon said, brushing the hair out of her face, and kissed her again. It felt better then the first, more love and warmth. The first was just confusion, the second was love. 'I don't know if I should thank or kill Aphrodite.' Athena wondered.

"If you say so." Athena said when they stopped kissing. Poseidon laughed. Athena placed her head on his shoulder.

"I think this year is the craziest year we have ever been through." Athena mumbled.

"Probably, would you change it?" Poseidon asked.

"Maybe, the war wasn't fun. But guess I wouldn't. We'll just do what the Fates tell us to do." Athena decided.

"You're right. Just do what the Fates say. Thank them." Poseidon said. Athena would have laughed but she could tell he was serious.

"Yeah, thank the Fates." Athena agreed. Soon they were talking about nothing for no reason. Just to be together, maybe. Athena didn't care. That cold, ice layer that was over her heart that her mother made while she was with Métis, melted away. Métis told Athena while they were in Zeus head never trust men. That men were awful. It caused Athena to have hatred over men. Not all men, but most. She wouldn't have any children if she hated all male beings. Poseidon melted that cold layer away. Maybe, just maybe, she found true love. 'Nah.' Athena thought. But she was still in love with him.

"We should probably go to sleep. It's almost midnight." Poseidon said.

"Ok, good night." Athena said and snuggled closer to him.

"Good night, Love." Poseidon whispered. Athena's eyes shot opened and she stared at him. Poseidon was already sound asleep and snoring. 'How do men do that?' Athena wondered as she returned to her position before and fell sound asleep.

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