Piper's what

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It's been a month since Reyna went off the deep end. February 15th to be exact. No problems, no attacks, just peace and quiet. Or, that's what Annabeth thought. Annabeth woke up and did her usual routine. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Coming." Annabeth yelled as Percy finished brushing his teeth. Annabeth opened the door to find Carol there.

"Carol, what's wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"Lady Annabeth, Piper requests to see you. Only you. Sorry, Lord Perseus." Carol apologized when she saw Percy.

"It's fine." Percy said. Annabeth kissed him goodbye before Carol brought her to Piper's room.

"Why does Piper want to see me?" Annabeth asked.

"It's better if she tells you herself." Carol said, shaking.

"Alright." Annabeth said as they reached Piper's room.

"Piper, I brought her." Carol said as she knocked on the door.

"Come in." Piper's faint voice said. Carol opened the door and let Annabeth in before closing it behind herself. Piper was on her bed and she looked like she was about to cry.

"Piper, what's wrong?" Annabeth asked, completely worried. Piper ran into her arms and started sobbing. Annabeth held her and let Piper sob until Piper was completely done sobbing. Well, Piper still had tears but it wasn't as bad as before.

"Piper, tell me what happened." Annabeth ordered.

"My period is a week late." Piper whispered. Annabeth's mouth dropped and she asked,

"You're pregnant?" Piper nodded.

"How? Who's the father?" Annabeth asked.

"Remember when Reyna tried to kill me and Jason and I left to go to my room?" Piper asked. Annabeth nodded. Then it hit her.

"You two didn't come to dinner. Dear gods, you were sleeping with Jason while everyone else was having dinner?" Annabeth asked. Piper nodded.

"Okay, don't freak out. Everything is going to be fine. First, let's test you." Annabeth said.

"Look in the bathroom." Piper said. Annabeth did as she was told. Three pregnancy tests layed on the counter, each of them a different brand, but each had a little pink +. 'Oh [Enter any curse here.]' Annabeth thought as she checked each test.

"Pipes, you're pregnant." Annabeth said. Piper started crying.

"Oh, don't cry. Listen to me, okay." Annabeth said and Piper nodded.

"You're a strong woman. You're pregnant, but you have to stay strong. You'll tell the others, but the first person you have to tell is Jason. You can do it and I'm going to help you. Okay, Pipes?" Annabeth asked after her long speech. Piper nodded but was still crying.

"Oh, come here." Annabeth said and held out her arms. Piper hugged Annabeth and cried again. Annabeth said soothing words. Finally, Piper calmed down.

"I'll tell him after dinner, just don't tell anyone." Piper begged.

"Don't worry, Piper. Lips sealed." Annabeth said and they laughed. Carol, who was in the corner the whole time said, said.

"Piper, I can't keep that promise. If I'm ordered to say something, I must say it. Especially to Lord Poseidon or Lady Athena or any of the gods."

"Okay, it's totally fine." Piper said. Annabeth put away the tests in Piper's cabinet and went back to her room. Percy was there, waiting for her.

"Hey, what did Piper need?" Percy asked.

"Advice, stuff that men should know about." Annabeth said. Percy shrugged and wrapped his arm around Annabeth. They left for breakfast.

Breakfast wasn't what Annabeth was hoping for. Drew had a evil grin on her face and Carol was standing in the corner, mouthing, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry.' 'No.' Annabeth thought as Drew stood up.

"Everyone, I have something to tell you guys. Piper's going to be a mommy." Drew said. Piper bolted out of her seat as everyone's mouths dropped. Jason turned pale, and Aphrodite fainted. Drew laughed, but stopped when Annabeth slapped her, hard.

"Stop your freaking laughing, [Enter curse.]. Stay here and if you follow me or say another thing, you're dead. Carol, make sure she stays here." Annabeth ordered. Carol nodded and let her bronze ribbon wrap around Drew and cover Drew's mouth. Annabeth ran to Piper's room. Annabeth knocked on the door.

"Piper. Piper, its Annabeth." Annabeth said.

"Annabeth, can you get Jason, please?" Piper asked.

"Sure, don't worry Pipes. Everything's going to be completely fine." Annabeth said and went back to the dining room.

Aphrodite was still passed out, everyone's mouths were still open, and Drew was still wrapped up.

"Jason." Annabeth called. Everyone looked at her.

"Jason, go. She needs you now." Annabeth said. Jason nodded and left. Aphrodite finally woke up and she said,

"My baby's pregnant." Annabeth turned to Drew and told Carol,

"Free her I'll deal with her personally." Carol nodded and did as she was told. Drew fell on the ground and charmspeaked,

"You can't hurt me." Annabeth crossed her arms and said,

"Think again. I'm disgusted by you. Your own sister. You should have done what I did to help Piper. Tell her secret in front of everyone before she was ready to tell anyone. How can you live with yourself?"

"Easy. Piper's the Dumpster Queen and she shouldn't be a daughter of Aphrodite. She shouldn't have Jason. I know that he'll leave Piper and come to me." Drew said.

"You shouldn't be a daughter of Aphrodite. You always think of your looks. If you looked into your heart, it's black. Your cold hearted and I wouldn't be surprised if you go to Tartarus when you die." Annabeth yelled. Aphrodite spoke,

"Drew, Annabeth's right. I'm ashamed to call you my daughter. I cursed you once, but right now, I don't know how to curse you."

"Why don't you get rid of her charmspeaking?" Athena suggested as she looked at Drew in disgust.

"Brilliant." Aphrodite said. Drew screamed as mist surrounded her and a pink mist exited Drew's mouth. The mist landed in Aphrodite's palm. Drew tried to charmspeak but it didn't work. Drew ran to her room. Annabeth sighed and sat down next to Percy. She buried her head on the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Annabeth, thank you." Aphrodite said.

"No problem. I promised that I was going to help her and I wanted to hit Drew for a long time." Annabeth said. Everyone laughed.

"Well, Piper can't fight. She'll have to stay here." Athena said. Everyone nodded. Soon Piper came back with Jason's arms around her, protectively. Everyone started congratulating them. Leo was joking that Jason was going to be a daddy. Soon, the long day was over.

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