Great, just great

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Percy couldn't stop thinking about Annabeth. Annabeth, her name made Percy smile. What was strange is that he felt now that he was away from her. He felt half dead. Like someone stabbed him in his Achilles spot. Percy was trying to keep a happy face, not letting anyone see him sad. It worked, but Percy swore on the River Styx to get back to Annabeth and tell that he loved her.

"Percy?" Lucy asked, breaking Percy out of his thought.

"Yes Lucy." Percy said.

"Why is the ground starting to sink?" Lucy asked. Everyone looked at the ground. The gods cursed and Hades put a shadow travel bubble around the campers and teleported the campers in the Gulf of Mexico. Poseidon put a bubble around the shadow travel bubble.

"What's going on?" Reyna asked.

"Percy, help me." Poseidon said. Percy felt that tug in his stomach and the bubble wasn't shaky anymore.

"Let me get you all to my palace before I explain anything." Poseidon said. Then he and Percy made the bubble shoot so fast across the ocean that everyone, expect Percy and Poseidon, hit the back of the bubble. The bubble didn't pop and in ten seconds, the bubble was at Poseidon's place. Poseidon ordered,

"Empty the water in the palace and put up the wall."

"Yes sir. Empty the water." The Cyclops guarding the door yelled. Then there was the sound of Cyclops saying that over and over again. Finally the doors opened. Poseidon pushed the bubble into the palace and the doors closed behind them. Poseidon held the bubble as Percy emptied the water outside of the bubble. Then the bubble popped. Percy and Poseidon were both out of breathe.

"What just happened?" Bobby asked.

"Give... us... a minute. Seawater." Percy panted.

"Here, my Lord." The naiad, that gave Percy a glass of water, said. Percy drank some of it and poured the rest on himself. Poseidon did the same thing.

"Ok, to the throne room before..." Poseidon started until he was interrupted be someone that hates Percy a lot.

"Where have you been?" Amphitrite asked. There was the queen of the sea herself.

"Not now Amphitrite. Now, could you leave?" Poseidon ordered.

"Fine." Amphitrite said and left. Hermes was about to say something.

"Not one word." Poseidon said. Hermes shut up. Poseidon brought everyone to the throne room. Poseidon ordered guards at the door and thrones next to his in the throne room. The gods sat down and Poseidon started talking.

"I know you are all wondering what has happened and why you were all rushed here. Well the greatest threat to the gods is awaking." Then Lucy yelled.

"Gaea." Everyone looked at the two year old.

"Gaea is awakening; the doors of death have opened, haven't they?" Lucy asked.

"Yes child. Athena you were right." Hades said.

"You knew?" Gwen asked.

"The prophecy said that Gaea would awaken and the door of death would open. What I'm wondering is how you knew that Lucy?" Athena asked. Lucy hid herself behind Percy and said,

"I heard the proph... proph..." Lucy forgot how to say prophecy.

"Prophecy?" Athena guessed. Lucy nodded.

"And the ground starting to sink was a big hint that Gaea was doing it." Lucy said.

"Yes child. We didn't think that she was getting this strong so fast. For years, Gaea was sleeping, thanks to Rhea. Now, she wants to be awake fully. If that happens, we will be all doomed." Hermes said.

"Thank you, Captain Sunshine. Right now, we have to pray that Jason will free Hera before the King of the Giants rises and Gaea." Hestia said. Great, another war. Just great.

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