The mist woman

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It was the next morning, Athena did her usual routine, shower, get dressed, wash face, finish hair, drag Poseidon out of bed, the usual. For some strange reason, she had this feeling that something strange was going to happen. It was like a little voice saying that said she should stay in bed. Athena ignored the feeling and headed for breakfast.

Athena ate Special K cereal when there was a strange little laugh. Athena looked around but found nothing. 'I must be hearing things.' Athena thought. Athena got up to train when she heard a,

"Where are you going, daughter?" Athena turned to see a woman made of mist. Everyone stared at the woman. She looked exactly like Athena but her hair had blonde highlights in the black. She wore a purple dress and her crown was sterling silver. 'Who is she? She looks so familiar.' Athena thought as she stared at the woman.

"You don't remember me, do you, daughter? Shame, you should though. I raised you for years before I let you go." The woman said.

"Métis, Mother." Athena said.

"So you do remember me. Wonderful, now free me." Métis ordered. Everyone started mumbling, 'Free her.'

"Why would I..." Athena started.

"Do you know how lonely it is to be in the body of the man who ate you? It's terrible here, so why not turn to you for help?" Métis said. Athena looked at her mother's features. In Métis' eyes was evil and her smile was wicked.

"How do I know that you won't turn against us and work for Gaea?" Athena asked.

"I have no intention of working for the woman who sleeps day and night. I want to have a little talk with Zeus. That's all. And all I need you to do is free me." Métis said.

"By little talk, I have a suspicion that you're going to throw him in Tatarus, right?" Athena said.

"You truly are my daughter. Free me, Athena. I'll get him out of your hair. He never listens to you, so why not get rid of him? Free me, Athena." Métis said.

"No." Athena said.

"What?" Métis asked, surprised that her daughter disobey her.

"I said no. He is no longer the King of the Gods so why bother. He is still my father." Athena said.

"He isn't the King, then who..." Métis started then saw Athena's ring and crown. Métis' gray eyes turned red and she snarled,

"What have you done?"

"What are you talking about?" Athena asked.

"I raised you to be a virgin and maiden. What have you done?"

"Métis, enough, you have no business here. Leave." Rhea ordered. Métis glared at Rhea and looked back at Athena.

"If you won't free me, then I'll use your body as my own." Métis said. Athena felt her head hurt, sharper than any of her births to her children. It felt like someone was controlling and they were pushing Athena's soul out of her body. Athena fell to her knees and held her head.

"Soon, very soon, my power shall push out your powers." Métis explained. 'Help me.' Athena thought. The gods and demigods were standing as Athena screamed.

"Stop please." Athena begged. This was one thing that Athena couldn't stop; her mother's magic was too powerful.

"This has already started, and it's not stopping." Métis said and laughed.

"Grandma." Lucy cried as her children said her name. 'No.' Athena thought.

"I won't let you control me." Athena said. She felt her true power come forth and Athena's magic fought Métis'.

"What? Impossible, you can't have this power." Métis yelled.

"You don't know anything about me. Leave." Athena ordered. The magic poured out of Athena, surrounded Métis and swallowed her whole. Métis was gone as Athena passed out from using her powers, the powerful ones.

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