Annabeth's locket

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Annabeth dropped Lucy off with Katie while she and Percy got some private time, alone on the beach. Percy was holding her hand making sure she was close to her. In Annabeth's back pocket was the new watch Annabeth got for Percy. Percy wanted one that didn't turn into a shield. Percy sat down in the sand. 'What is he doing?" Annabeth thought. Percy patted the sand next to him, inviting Annabeth to sit next to him. Annabeth sat down, only to be pulled into Percy's arms. Of course Annabeth didn't abject; in fact, she turned so she was looking at Percy in the eye and kissed him deeply. They broke free, for air and their foreheads touched.

"Merry Christmas, Percy." Annabeth said.

"Merry Christmas, Annabeth." Percy said. Annabeth reached into her back pocket and pulled out Percy's present. Percy smiled and kissed the top of Annabeth head. Percy then grabbed the stink on bow that was on the present and put on Annabeth's head.

"What are you..." Annabeth started.

"You're my present. I don't need anything else beside you and Lucy." Percy said.

"What about your mom?" Annabeth asked.

"You know what I mean, Annabeth. [Enter curse word here.] Mom, how are we going to tell her about Lucy?" Percy asked. Then it clicked with Annabeth that she would have to tell their mortal parents about their daughter.

"Your dad's going to kill me." Percy said.

"One, you can't die. Two, my dad will try to hurt you. Three, we'll tell them tomorrow. We'll Iris message my dad in the morning and then we'll visit your mom." Annabeth explained.

"This is why you're the smart one." Percy said. Annabeth laughed and asked,

"Are you going to unwrap your present or not?" Percy nodded and opened the box. Percy put on his new Rolex watch.

"It's great. Now, for your present." Percy said. Percy reached into his pocket and got out a locket. It was exactly like her old one expect it had her name engraved in the back in Ancient Greek.

"Hephaestus and Aphrodite helped me this year. Hephaestus hand made it and Aphrodite made sure that you couldn't lose it. And she said she left something in the locket." Percy said. Annabeth opened the locket to find a picture of a newborn baby girl. She had black hair and eyes of gray and green.

"Lucy." Annabeth gasped. She could feel her tears coming.

"Aphrodite came one day to the Roman Camp and took pictures of every single kid, surprisingly, the day after Lucy showed up at the camp. So she put the picture in the locket and gave me the same picture that I have in my wallet." Percy explained. Annabeth let the tears run down her cheeks as she kissed Percy. Percy pulled back and asked,

"Why are you crying?" He wiped her tears away.

"We weren't able to see her as a baby." Annabeth said.

"I know. I wish we could. But she's here now and we can see her grow up." Percy said. Annabeth nodded. Percy pushed Annabeth's hair back as he put the locket on Annabeth's neck.

"It looks beautiful on you." Percy said.

"Thank you. I love you." Annabeth whispered.

"I love you too." Percy said. They stay there for a while until they left to pick up Lucy and go to bed. 'Best Christmas, ever.' Annabeth thought.

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