Promise and confusion

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Percy pulled out Riptide and handed Lucy, who woke up, to Dakota. There standing in the clearing was Percy's old friend, the Minotaur.

"Didn't I kill you already? Let's make it three for three." Percy said. the Minotaur charged with hatred in his eyes. Percy yelled to the campers,

"Stand down." Reyna and others listened but kept their weapons out. The Minotaur raised his double axe. Percy blocked the Minotaur's first attack and then slashed. The Minotaur charged and it's horn went into Percy's chest. Or it should have. The horn snapped straight off. Percy caught the horn and stabbed the Minotaur with it. The minotaur was killed and the gods clapped. The campers looked at Percy with a surprised look on their faces.

"Yeah, I probably should have said that I bathed in the River Styx." Percy said.

"The Riv...River...Styx?" Reyna shuddered

"Yep. Dad, is there a river or lake around here?" Percy asked.

"Hold on." Poseidon said and closed his eyes.

"There's only one that doesn't have saltwater and is all the way in Colorado." Poseidon said.

"How much water do we have left?" Gwen asked.

"Eleven whole cartons, but we'll run out soon." Bobby said. Everyone looked at Poseidon.

"Give me a minute." Poseidon said. Poseidon stabbed his trident into the ground and water sprung forth from the ground becoming a fountain. Percy checked the water.

"Definitely has salt." Percy said. Poseidon snapped his fingers. Percy checked again.

"Ok, now it's clean. Feel free to drink up." Percy said. He was practically trampled by campers. Percy noticed that Lucy was standing at the back of the group, looking at her locket.

"Hey Lucy, what's wrong?" Percy asked, crouching down to her height.

"I want..." Lucy stopped herself. Percy put his hand on her shoulder. Lucy looked at him straight in the eye. Percy noticed that Lucy looked a lot like Annabeth.

"If there is anything you need, just talk to me or Annabeth." Percy said.

"Annabeth?" Lucy asked.

"Annabeth's my girlfriend. She would definitely like you, Lucy." Percy said.

"What is she like?" Lucy asked as Percy picked her up. They started walking over to the group, who started moving again.

"Well, Annabeth is really smart; she is the daughter of Athena. Annabeth is really kind too, just don't get her mad. Without Annabeth, I probably wouldn't be here." Percy said. 'Annabeth, I'll be back.' Percy thought and promised.

"She sounds really nice. What does she look like?" Lucy asked.

"I don't want to insult Aphrodite, but Annabeth is the most beautiful girl I have ever met." Percy expected to get blasted out of the sky, but a voice went inside his head.

'Don't worry, I'm not insulted. I gave Annabeth her beauty.' Aphrodite thought into Percy's head.

'Thanks Aphrodite, for everything.' Percy thought back.

"Anyway, Annabeth has curly blonde hair and beautiful gray eyes that I get lost in, many many times. Her smile lightens up the day." percy said. Lucy turned pale and played with her locket.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I... I have seen her before." Lucy confessed.

"Really?" Percy asked.

I don't know how, but when you describe her, I had this feeling that I met her before." Lucy said. Wow, a two year old could say all of that.

"We don't know about the past, but I definitely know that Annabeth will like you when she meets you." Percy said. Lucy nodded and asked,

"Do I have to stay in the Hermes cabin?" Percy sighed, looking at Lucy's puppy dog eyes, which looked exactly like Annabeth's. 'Why does she look like Annabeth?' Percy mentally asked himself.

"Well, it's not my decision, but when you get to camp. you'll get claimed soon." Percy said.

"Promise" Lucy asked. 'Now she's definitely looking like Annabeth.' Percy thought.

"I promise." Percy said. Lucy smiled and went to sleep, her head on Percy's shoulder. Mrs. O'Leary barked and Percy shushed her. Something about Lucy is making Percy more protective of her and Annabeth. 'What's going on' Percy thought.

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