Jealous much

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When everyone heard the crash, everyone bolted out of the door. Piper was on the ground, holding her left arm that was bleeding. Reyna was standing in front of her, her sword out and covered with blood. Piper cursed. Glass from a vase was scattered across the ground next to both of them. Reyna charged at Piper. Athena and Aphrodite held her back. Reyna kicked Aphrodite in the jaw so Aphrodite let go off Reyna. So Athena had to hold back an angry daughter of Mars. 'Easy.' Athena thought.

"Let go of me." Reyna yelled. Athena punched Reyna straight in the stomach. Reyna gasped for air and collapsed in Athena's arms.

"Someone lock her up somewhere. We'll deal with Reyna when she wakes up." Athena ordered.

"Piper, are you okay?" Jason asked.

"Well, she gave me a good cut. I'll live." Piper answered. Aphrodite looked down. 'That's what happens when you play with a daughter of Mars.' Athena thought. Aphrodite nodded. Apollo healed Piper until she was as good as new.

"Thanks, Lord Apollo." Piper said. Apollo winked at her. 'Will he ever stop flirting with girls?' Athena wondered. Jason and Piper went to Piper's room. Ares took his daughter and locked her in her room with armed Naiads watching her.

"Well, we just have to wait for Zeus to get here soon." Hecate said. Then Hermes came into the room. Here's the thing, he was covered with wine and grape vines.

"I didn't get him. He said, 'This is his vacation and he wasn't leaving.'" Hermes explained. Athena rolled her eyes.

"Why didn't you take him by force?" Athena asked.

"This happened to me when I tried." Hermes said.

"Never mind, if Dionysus won't fight then he won't fight. We shouldn't reason with him." Poseidon said. Everyone sighed, and Athena couldn't tell if it was a relief or anger.

It's been two hours and Zeus and Hera haven't got here yet. 'Where are they?' Athena wondered. She was getting tired of sitting in her throne, and so were the other gods.

"Where are they?" Nyx asked. That was when Zeus and Hera marched into the room. Hera was glaring at Athena.

"Brother, welcome back. Please sit, we have to discuss some things." Poseidon said. Zeus nodded and sat in the throne next to Hades. Hera just stood there, waiting for something.

"Hera, is there a problem?" Poseidon asked. Hera crossed her arms and asked,

"Where's my throne?" Poseidon looked around and said,

"Next to Athena's." True to his words, Hera's peacock feather decorated throne was next to Athena's more beautiful throne. Hera's was just white marble with some peacock feathers sticking out of it. Athena's throne was silver but it had beautiful engraving of pictures in it. Her symbols, Poseidon's symbols, pictures of the sea creatures. Gold was on the handles and Athena could fit her hands in perfectly. Hera grumbled as she sat in her throne. As Poseidon was telling Zeus what he knew, Hera was glaring at Athena. 'Jealous much?' Athena thought.

Once the meeting was finally over, Athena decided to go to her room, just to relax. Hera was waiting at the door.

"What's wrong, Hera?" Athena asked, trying not to curse her.

"I'm just here to warn you. He maybe your husband, but when Poseidon leaves you to sleep with another woman, don't be surprised." Hera said.

"They always leave you, sleep with some slut, and then you'll get a step-child. They say they love you, and then they leave you. And you can't release your anger to your husband, so you release it on the child or woman he slept with. Keep that in mind Athena. You'll need it." Hera explained. Hera turned on her heels and walked to her room. When Hera was around the corner, Athena mumbled a swear. 'I'll never be like you, never.' Athena thought. Athena entered her room and let Hera's words sink in. As she slid down to the ground, her back on the door, Athena thought. 'She's right, but that's her husband. Poseidon's different from his brother, and I'll never be like her. That no good cow [Enter curse here.]'

Athena was thinking so hard, she didn't notice that Poseidon came out of the bathroom.

"Athena, what's wrong?" Poseidon asked.

"Nothing. Just thinking." Athena mumbled.

"On the floor. What's wrong?" Poseidon asked, brushing the hair out of her eyes. Athena looked up at him.

"It's nothing; I'm just letting a warning sink in." Athena mumbled.

"Who threatened you?" Poseidon asked a little anger in his voice.

"It's just; you know that in every god's marriage there's always cheating. And I think a become Hera, and kill or hurt a sweet child. Get her reputation." Athena explained, getting up off the ground and walking over to the bed.

"Is that why you're upset?" Poseidon asked as he sat next to her. She nodded.

"I want to make a good deal with you. If you don't get mad at my demi-god children, then I won't get made at your children." Poseidon said.

"Agreed. I have an idea. Some mortal families can't have children. I'll just give them children through thought." Athena said. Poseidon kissed the top of her head and said,

"Wonderful idea, Athena. The camp needs your children anyway." They laughed. They just sat next to each other and Poseidon asked,

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah, thank you. I love you." Athena whispered. He kissed her and whispered,

"I'll always love you." She smiled and let him hold her in his arms. 'Mother was completely wrong. Definitely.' Athena thought.

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