Connor passes out again, and again

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Annabeth was tired after what just happened at camp. When she cuddled up with Percy, Percy whispered,

"I love you."

"I love you too." Annabeth whispered. They were whispering because Lucy was asleep on Percy's chest. Annabeth was stroking Lucy's back. 'Our baby.' Annabeth thought.

"Lucy's our baby, Percy. All ours." Annabeth whispered. Percy smiled and whispered,

"She's beautiful, just like her mother." Percy kissed Annabeth's temple. Annabeth snuggled closer to her family. Well it's not complete but close enough for Annabeth.

"Can't we stay like this?" Annabeth wondered out loud.

"We're staying here." Percy said.

"What?" Annabeth asked, pushing up onto her hands to stare at Percy.

"I love you and Lucy. This is the safest place in the world for us. All I care about is your and Lucy's safety. So, I think it's best if we stay here." Percy explained.

"But, what about school?" Annabeth asked.

"We have to survive the war before even thinking about school. And I think I would have gotten kicked out anyway." Percy said. Annabeth stared at him.

"I..." Annabeth started. Annabeth shocked Percy as much as herself when she crushed her lips onto Percy's.

"I want to stay here with you and our baby." Annabeth said.

"Then we'll stay here." Percy said. Annabeth smiled and kissed him again. Then they fell asleep, in their new home, with their baby girl.

The next morning, let's just say that Lucy was really jumpy.

"Mommy, Daddy, wake up. It's Christmas. Wake up." Lucy said, jumping up and down on Percy's bunk. Of course, they woke up the second Lucy started jumping.

"We're up, we're up." Percy groaned as he grabbed his jumping daughter. Annabeth laughed and started tickling her daughter. Lucy laughed and screamed,

"Mommy, stop. Uncle." Annabeth laughed and stopped tickling Lucy.

"Merry Christmas, Lucy." Percy said. Lucy became sad.

"I didn't get you two, anything. I didn't..." Lucy started. Percy and Annabeth hugged her and said,

"You're our present."

"I love you two." Lucy said.

"We love you too." They said and gripped Lucy tight.

"Well, let's get dressed." Annabeth said. Once they got dressed, Annabeth got Lucy's present out. She and Percy quickly left to get Lucy a Christmas present.

"Lucy, we have something for you." Annabeth said. Lucy quickly ripped open the present and pulled out a dagger. Now, everyone knows that giving a dagger to a two year old is a bad idea. But when you're a demigod, those rules go out the window.

"I love it. Can I train with it?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, only if Mommy is with you and don't use it unless you are fighting monsters." Percy said.

"Ok Daddy." Lucy said and put the dagger on her belt. Annabeth picked up Lucy as Percy wrapped his arm around Annabeth's waist. Together they went outside to enjoy Christmas.

After breakfast, Katie and Connor returned with the Pegasus. They landed in the pavilion.

"Bad news guy, we didn't find..." Katie started then she spotted Percy.

"Why do we bother searching for you? You always come back, Percy." Katie said. Everyone laughed.

"Sorry we weren't here sooner. This guy wanted to stop at Dylan's Candy Bar." Katie said, pointing at Connor. Travis said,

"Dude, you didn't get me any?"

"I did but..." Connor started.

"Connor and the horses ate it all." Katie said. Travis groaned and mumbled something.

"Anyway, why are all the gods here?" Katie asked as she wrapped her arms around Travis' waist. They started dating after Travis saved her during the war.

"It's a long story." Annabeth said.

"Before we start, what's with the kid?" Connor asked. 'This is going to be good.' Annabeth thought.

"Well, Lucy here is our daughter." Annabeth said, gesturing to herself and Percy. Katie's mouth dropped as Connor collapsed on the spot.

"Oh Connor." Hermes grumbled, shaking his head.

"Is he out?" Clarisse asked. Travis knocked on his brother's head.

"Yeah, out cold. Give me a minute. Dude, the Aphrodite girls are in their bikinis." Travis said. Connor sat up and said,

"Where's my camera? Ah, what happened? I had a strange dream that Percy and Annabeth had a kid."

"Yeah, that wasn't a dream." Travis said. Connor, once again, passed out.

"Not again, Percy, can you..." Travis started. Percy made the water from the beach come out and land on Connor. Connor woke up, saying.

"What's your problem, man?"

"I was going to say help me get him to the cabin, but I guess that works too." Travis said.

"Now, can someone tell us wants going on?" Connor asked. After giving Connor and Katie a quick run through of everything that happened the past week, and pouring more water on Connor, everyone went back to eating breakfast.

Katie was hanging out with Annabeth.

"You saved Travis some candy, didn't you?" Annabeth asked. Katie smiled and held up a bag of candy.

"When did you become a daughter of Hermes?" Annabeth asked.

"I guess my boyfriend is rubbing of me." Katie said.

"You're not the only one." Annabeth said and saw her boyfriend chase their daughter.

"Did he?" Katie asked.

"Did he what?" Annabeth asked.

"Propose to you. You're the mother of his child. He should propose to you." Katie said.

"We might not win the war, Katie. I just want to spend my time with him and our daughter." Annabeth sighed.

"I think you guys are going to win." Katie said.

"Thanks Katie. If you do get married, you're in the bridal party." Annabeth said. The two laughed. 'Marriage.' Annabeth thought. 'I don't know if I'm ready for that. Yet, I want to.' Annabeth decided that if she and Percy did get married, it would be after the war.

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